I18n constructor.
fetch() : voidReturn the last I18n created.
Get and set the target language.
Get ISO language code.
Returns specified form of a string translation. No parameters are replaced.
Load language from the file.
Returns translation of a string with right plural form.
Plural rules lazy initialization.
Alias of translate.
Translation/internationalization function. strtr() or sprintf is used for replacing parameters.
zephir_init_properties_Ice_I18n() : void
public function __construct(array $options)
I18n constructor. -
public static function fetch()
Return the last I18n created. -
public function lang(string $lang)
Get and set the target language. -
public function iso(variable $lang, bool $country)
Get ISO language code. -
public function get(string $str, variable $form, string $lang)
Returns specified form of a string translation. No parameters are replaced.If no translation exists, the original string will be returned. -
private function load(string $lang)
Load language from the file. -
public function plural(string $str, int $count, string $lang)
Returns translation of a string with right plural form.If no translation exists, the original string will be returned. -
protected function pluralRules(string $code)
Plural rules lazy initialization. -
public function _(string $str, array $values, variable $context, string $lang)
Alias of translate. -
public function translate(string $str, array $values, variable $context, string $lang)
Translation/internationalization function. strtr() or sprintf is used for replacing parameters. -
internal function zephir_init_properties_Ice_I18n()