ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
  • emergency(string $message, array $context) : void
    System is unusable.
  • alert(string $message, array $context) : void
    Action must be taken immediately.
  • critical(string $message, array $context) : void
    Critical conditions.
  • error(string $message, array $context) : void
    Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
  • warning(string $message, array $context) : void
    Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
  • notice(string $message, array $context) : void
    Normal but significant events.
  • info(string $message, array $context) : void
    Interesting events.
  • debug(string $message, array $context) : void
    Detailed debug information.
  • log(variable $level, string $message, array $context) : void
    Logs with an arbitrary level.
Methods Details
  • public function emergency(string $message, array $context)

    System is unusable.
  • public function alert(string $message, array $context)

    Action must be taken immediately.
    Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
  • public function critical(string $message, array $context)

    Critical conditions.
    Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
  • public function error(string $message, array $context)

    Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
  • public function warning(string $message, array $context)

    Exceptional occurrences that are not errors.
    Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things that are not necessarily wrong.
  • public function notice(string $message, array $context)

    Normal but significant events.
  • public function info(string $message, array $context)

    Interesting events.
    Example: User logs in, SQL logs.
  • public function debug(string $message, array $context)

    Detailed debug information.
  • public abstract function log(variable $level, string $message, array $context)

    Logs with an arbitrary level.