namespace Ice;
use ArrayIterator;
* Access class as array and the same time as object.
* @package Ice/Arr
* @category Helper
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
class Arr implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate
protected data = [] { get };
* Arr constructor.
* @param array data Initial array
public function __construct(array data = [])
let this->data = data;
* Whether or not a data exists by key.
* @param string key The data key
* @return boolean
public function has(string key) -> boolean
return isset this->data[key];
* Retrieve a single key from an array.
* If the key does not exist in the array, the default value will be returned.
* @param string key The data key
* @param mixed defaultValue The value to return if data key does not exist
* @return mixed
public function get(string key, var defaultValue = null)
var value;
if fetch value, this->data[key] {
return value;
return defaultValue;
* Assigns a value to the specified data.
* @param string key The data key
* @param mixed value
* @return object Arr
public function set(string key, var value)
let this->data[key] = value;
return this;
* Add data to set, replaces the existing data.
* @param array data
* @return Arr
public function merge(array! data)
var key, value;
for key, value in data {
this->set(key, value);
return this;
* Alias of the `merge` method.
* @deprecated
* @see self::merge()
public function replace(array! data)
return this->merge(data);
* Fetch all data.
* @return array
public function all() -> array
return this->getData();
* Fetch some data.
* @param array keys Keys to fetch
* @param boolean strict Fetch key only if exist
* @return array
public function only(array! keys, boolean strict = true) -> array
var key, only = [];
for key in keys {
if !strict || strict && this->has(key) {
let only[key] = this->get(key);
return only;
* Gets value from data applying filters if needed.
* //Returns value from $arr["id"] without sanitizing
* $id = $arr->getValue("id");
* //Returns value from $arr["title"] with sanitizing
* $title = $arr->getValue("title", "escape|repeats");
* //Returns value from $arr["id"] with a default value
* $id = $arr->getValue("id", null, 150);
* @param string key Index to get
* @param string|array filters Filters to apply
* @param mixed defaultValue Default value if key not exist or value is empty and allowEmpty is false
* @param boolean allowEmpty
* @return mixed
public function getValue(string key, var filters = null, var defaultValue = null, boolean allowEmpty = false)
var value, filter;
let value = this->get(key, defaultValue);
if filters {
let filter = Di::$fetch()->get("filter"),
value = filter->sanitize(value, filters);
if (value === "" || value === null) && allowEmpty === false {
return defaultValue;
return value;
* Set data, clears and overwrites the current data.
* @param array data
* @return void
public function setData(array! data = []) -> void
let this->data = data;
* Fetch set data keys.
* @return array
public function keys() -> array
return array_keys(this->getData());
* Remove a data by key.
* @param string key The data key
* @return object Arr
public function remove(string key)
unset this->data[key];
return this;
* Clear all values.
* @return object Arr
public function clear()
let this->data = [];
return this;
* Count all elements in a data.
* @return int
public function count() -> int
return count(this->getData());
* Get a data iterator.
* return ArrayIterator
public function getIterator() ->
return new ArrayIterator(this->getData());
* Gets a value from an array using a dot separated path.
* // Get the value of $array['foo']['bar']
* $value = (new Arr($array))->getPath('');
* // Get the values of "color" in theme
* $colors = (new Arr($array))->getPath('theme.*.color');
* @param mixed path Key path string (delimiter separated) or array of keys
* @param mixed defaultValue Default value if the path is not set
* @param string delimiter Key path delimiter
* @return mixed
public function getPath(var path, var defaultValue = null, string delimiter = ".")
var data, keys, key;
let data = this->getData();
if typeof path == "array" {
// The path has already been separated into keys
let keys = path;
} else {
if array_key_exists(path, data) {
// No need to do extra processing
return data[path];
// Remove starting delimiters and spaces
let path = ltrim(path, "{" . delimiter . "} "),
// Remove ending delimiters, spaces, and wildcards
path = rtrim(path, "{" . delimiter . "} *"),
// Split the keys by delimiter
keys = explode(delimiter, path);
do {
let key = array_shift(keys);
if ctype_digit(key) {
// Make the key an integer
let key = (int) key;
if isset data[key] {
if keys {
if typeof data[key] == "array" {
// Dig down into the next part of the path
let data = data[key];
} else {
// Unable to dig deeper
} else {
// Found the path requested
return data[key];
} elseif key === "*" {
var values, value, arr;
// Handle wildcards
let values = [];
for arr in data {
if typeof arr == "array" {
let value = (new Arr(arr))->getPath(keys);
if value {
let values[] = value;
if values {
// Found the values requested
return values;
} else {
// Unable to dig deeper
} else {
// Unable to dig deeper
} while keys;
// Unable to find the value requested
return defaultValue;
* Converts recursively the object to an array.
* @return array
public function toArray() -> array
var key, value, tmp;
let tmp = [];
for key, value in this->getData() {
if typeof value == "object" {
if method_exists(value, "toArray") {
let tmp[key] = value->toArray();
} else {
let tmp[key] = value;
} else {
let tmp[key] = value;
return tmp;
* Whether or not an offset exists.
* @param string An offset to check for
* @return boolean
* @abstracting ArrayAccess
public function offsetExists(mixed offset) -> boolean
return this->has(offset);
* Returns the value at specified offset.
* @param string The offset to retrieve
* @return mixed
* @abstracting ArrayAccess
public function offsetGet(mixed offset) -> mixed
return this->get(offset);
* Assigns a value to the specified offset.
* @param string The offset to assign the value to
* @param mixed The value to set
* @return void
* @abstracting ArrayAccess
public function offsetSet(mixed offset, var value) -> void
this->set(offset, value);
* Unsets an offset.
* @param string The offset to unset
* @return void
* @abstracting ArrayAccess
public function offsetUnset(mixed offset) -> void
* Magic isset, whether or not a key exists.
public function __isset(string key) -> boolean
return this->has(key);
* Magic get, returns the value at specified key.
* First check if property exist.
public function __get(key)
if isset this->{key} {
return this->{key};
return this->get(key);
* Magic set, assigns a value to the specified key.
* First check if property exist.
public function __set(string key, var value) -> void
if isset this->{key} {
let this->{key} = value;
} else {
this->set(key, value);
* Magic unset, unsets a key.
public function __unset(key) -> void