namespace Ice; /** * Assets helper is designed to management css/js resources. * * @package Ice/Assets * @category Helper * @author Ice Team * @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team * @license */ class Assets { protected di; protected collections = [] { set, get }; protected options = [] { set }; const NEVER = 0; const NOT_EXIST = 1; const IF_CHANGE = 2; const ALWAYS = 3; /** * Assets constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property. */ public function __construct() { let this->di = Di::$fetch(); } /** * Retrieve a single option. * * @param string key The data key * @param mixed defaultValue The value to return if data key does not exist * @return mixed */ public function getOption(var key, var defaultValue = null) { var value; if fetch value, this->options[key] { return value; } return defaultValue; } /** * Add resource to assets, autodetect type. * * @param mixed parameters Parameters of link/script/style * @param string version Version appending to the uri * @param string Collection Collection name * @param mixed minify Local minify option * @return object this */ public function add(var parameters, string version = null, string collection = null, var minify = null) { var content, type, link; if typeof parameters == "string" { let link = parameters, parameters = [], parameters[] = link; } if !fetch content, parameters["content"] { fetch content, parameters[0]; } fetch type, parameters["type"]; if ends_with(content, ".css") || type == "text/css" { if !collection { let collection = "css"; } this->addCss(parameters, version, collection, minify); } elseif ends_with(content, ".js") || type == "text/javascript" { if !collection { let collection = "js"; } this->addJs(parameters, version, collection, minify); } return this; } /** * Add CSS resource to assets. * * @param array parameters Parameters of link/style * @param string version Version appending to the uri * @param string Collection Collection name * @param mixed minify Local minify option * @return object this */ public function addCss(array! parameters, string version = null, string collection = "css", var minify = null) { var content, local, tag; let tag = this->di->get("tag"); if !fetch content, parameters["content"] { fetch content, parameters[0]; } if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } // If local minify is not set if minify === null { // Get global minify option, default is NEVER let minify = this->getOption("minify", self::NEVER); } // Do not minify external or minified resources if !local || ends_with(content, ".min.css") { let minify = self::NEVER; } // Check if resource is inline or in file if isset parameters["content"] { this->addToCollection(collection, tag->style(["content": minify ? this->minify(content, "css") : content])); } else { let parameters["href"] = this->prepare(content, "css", minify) . (version ? "?v=" . version : ""); this->addToCollection(collection, tag->link(parameters)); } return this; } /** * Add JS resource to assets. * * @param array parameters Parameters of script * @param string version Version appending to the uri * @param string Collection Collection name * @param mixed minify Local minify option * @return object this */ public function addJs(array! parameters, string version = null, string collection = "js", var minify = null) { var content, local, tag; let tag = this->di->get("tag"); if !fetch content, parameters["content"] { fetch content, parameters[0]; } if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } // If local minify is not set if minify === null { // Get global minify option, default is NEVER let minify = this->getOption("minify", self::NEVER); } // Do not minify external or minified resources if !local || ends_with(content, ".min.js") { let minify = self::NEVER; } // Check if resource is inline or in file if isset parameters["content"] { this->addToCollection(collection, tag->script(["content": minify ? this->minify(content, "js") : content])); } else { let parameters["src"] = this->prepare(content, "js", minify) . (version ? "?v=" . version : ""); this->addToCollection(collection, tag->script(parameters)); } return this; } /** * Add an asset to the collection. * * @param string key Collection name * @param string value Asset HTML code */ public function addToCollection(key, value) { if !isset this->collections[key] { let this->collections[key] = []; } let this->collections[key][] = value; } /** * Get the CSS default collection. * * @return array */ public function getCss() { return this->get("css"); } /** * Get the JS default collection. * * @return array */ public function getJs() { return this->get("js"); } /** * Get some collection. * * @param string key Collection name * @return array */ public function get(string key) { var collection; fetch collection, this->collections[key]; return collection ? collection : []; } /** * Minify content. * * @param string content Input text to minify * @param string type Type of content * @return string */ protected function minify(string! content, type) { return this->di->get("filter")->sanitize(content, type . "min"); } /** * Prepare resource. * * @param string uri The uri/url source path * @param string type Type of content * @param int minify Option of minify * @return string New path to the source */ protected function prepare(string! uri, string type, var minify) { var source, target, dir, file, uriMin, destination, exist, old, minified; let source = this->getOption("source"), target = this->getOption("target"), dir = dirname(uri) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, file = basename(uri, "." . type), uriMin = target . dir . file . ".min." . type, destination = source . uriMin, exist = false; switch minify { case self::NOT_EXIST: let minify = !file_exists(destination); break; case self::IF_CHANGE: if !file_exists(destination) { let minify = true; } else { let minify = md5_file(destination); } break; case self::ALWAYS: let minify = true; break; default: // self::NEVER: let minify = false; if this->getOption("forceMinified") { let exist = file_exists(destination); } break; } if !minify { return exist ? uriMin : uri; } else { let minified = this->minify(file_get_contents(source . uri), type); // Check if file was changed if typeof minify == "string" { if minify != md5(minified) { let minify = true; } } if minify === true { if !is_dir(dirname(destination)) { let old = umask(0); mkdir(dirname(destination), 0777, true); umask(old); } if file_put_contents(destination, minified) === false { throw new Exception("Directory can't be written"); } } return uriMin; } } }