namespace Ice;
* User authorization library. Handles user login and logout, as well as secure password hashing.
* @package Ice/Auth
* @category Library
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
* $options = ['hash_key' => 'secret key'];
* $this->di->auth = new \Ice\Auth($options);
* $login = $this->auth->login($this->request->getPost('username'), $this->request->getPost('password'), $this->request->getPost('remember') ? TRUE : FALSE);
* if (!$login) {
* // Login failed, send back to form with error message
* } else {
* // Login successful
* }
* if ($this->auth->loggedIn()) {
* // User is logged in, continue on
* $user = $this->auth->getUser();
* $username = $user->username;
* } else {
* // User isn't logged in, redirect to the login form.
* }
* if ($this->auth->loggedIn('admin')) {
* // Admin privileges
* } else {
* // No access
* }
* // Log out a user
* $this->auth->logout();
* Seet usage:
* {% if this.auth.loggedIn() %}
* {{ this.auth.getUser().username }}
* {% endif %}
class Auth