ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
Class Ice Cli


namespace Ice\Cli;

use Ice\Exception;

 * Router is the standard framework router. Routing is the process of taking a command-line arguments and decomposing it
 * into parameters to determine which module, task, and action of that task should receive the request.
 * @package     Ice/Router
 * @category    Component
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
 * @license
class Router
    protected defaultModule = "shell" { get, set };
    protected defaultHandler = "main" { get, set };
    protected defaultAction = "main" { get, set };

    protected module { get };
    protected handler { get };
    protected action { get };
    protected params = [] { get };

     * Set defaults values
     * @param array defaults
    public function setDefaults(array! defaults)
        var module, handler, action;

        if fetch module, defaults["module"] {
            let this->defaultModule = module;

        if fetch handler, defaults["handler"] {
            let this->defaultHandler = handler;

        if fetch action, defaults["action"] {
            let this->defaultAction = action;

     * Handles routing information received from command-line arguments.

     *  php index.php --module=shell --handler=main --action=main --id=1 --param="some value"
* * @param array arguments * @return array */ public function handle(arguments = null) -> array { var params, argument; if typeof arguments != "array" { throw new Exception("Arguments must be an array"); } // Set the defaults let this->module = this->defaultModule, this->handler = this->defaultHandler, this->action = this->defaultAction, params = []; // Skip the first option, it is always the file executed array_shift(arguments); for argument in arguments { // Get the option if substr(argument, 0, 2) !== "--" { // This is a positional argument let params[] = argument; continue; } // Remove the "--" prefix let argument = substr(argument, 2); if strpos(argument, "=") { // Separate the name and value let argument = explode("=", argument, 2), params[argument[0]] = argument[1]; } else { let params[argument] = null; } } if isset params["module"] && params["module"] { let this->module = params["module"]; unset params["module"]; } if isset params["handler"] && params["handler"] { let this->handler = params["handler"]; unset params["handler"]; } if isset params["action"] && params["action"] { let this->action = params["action"]; unset params["action"]; } if count(params) { let this->params = params; } return ["module": this->module, "handler": this->handler, "action": this->action, "params": this->params]; } }