namespace Ice\Cli\Websocket; use Ice\Exception; /** * Websocket client. * * @package Ice/Cli * @category Component * @author Ice Team * @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team * @license */ class Client extends Websocket { protected socket = null; protected message = null; protected tick = null; /** * Connect to server. * * @param string address Address to bind to, defaults to `ws://` * @param array headers Optional array of headers to pass when connecting * @return self */ public function connect(string address = "ws://", var headers = []) { var addr, key, name, value, res, data, matches; let addr = parse_url(address); if addr === false || !isset addr["host"] || !isset addr["port"] { throw new Exception("Invalid address"); } let this->socket = fsockopen( (isset addr["scheme"] && in_array(addr["scheme"], ["ssl", "tls", "wss"]) ? "tls://" : "") . addr["host"], addr["port"] ); if this->socket === false { throw new Exception("Could not connect"); } let key = this->generateKey(), headers = array_merge( this->normalizeHeaders([ "Host": addr["host"] . ":" . addr["port"], "Connection": "Upgrade", "Upgrade": "websocket", "Sec-Websocket-Key": key, "Sec-Websocket-Version": "13" ]), this->normalizeHeaders(headers) ); let key = headers["Sec-Websocket-Key"]; for name, value in headers { let headers[name] = name . ": " . value; } if isset addr["path"] && strlen(addr["path"]) { let res = addr["path"] . (empty addr["query"] ? "" : "?" . addr["query"]); } else { let res = "/"; } array_unshift(headers, "GET " . res . " HTTP/1.1"); this->sendClear(this->socket, implode("\r\n", headers)."\r\n"); let data = this->receiveClear(this->socket); if !preg_match("(Sec-Websocket-Accept:\s*(.*)$)mUi", data, matches) { throw new Exception("Bad response"); } if trim(matches[1]) !== base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(key . self::magic))) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Bad key `%s` `%s`", trim(matches[1]), base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(key . self::magic))))); } return this; } /** * Generate key. * * @return string */ protected function generateKey() -> string { string chars, key; var length, index; int i = 0; let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!\"$&/()=[]{}0123456789", key = "", length = strlen(chars) - 1; while i < 16 { let index = mt_rand(0, length), key .= chars[(int) index], i++; } return base64_encode(key); } /** * Normalize header. * * @param array headers headers to normalize * @return array */ protected function normalizeHeaders(array headers) -> array { var cleaned, name, value; let cleaned = []; for name, value in headers { if strncmp(name, "HTTP_", 5) === 0 { let name = substr(name, 5); } if name !== false { let name = ucwords(str_replace( ["_", "-", " "], [" ", " ", "-"], strtolower(name) ), "-"), cleaned[name] = value; } } return cleaned; } /** * Send a message to the server. * * @param string data The data to send * @param string opcode The data opcode, defaults to `text` * @return boolean Was the send successful */ public function send(string data, string opcode = "text") -> boolean { return parent::sendData(this->socket, data, opcode, true); } /** * Start listening. * * @return void */ public function run() -> void { var changed, write, except, socket, message; while 1 { if isset this->tick { if call_user_func(this->tick, this) === false { break; } } let changed = [this->socket], write = [], except = []; if stream_select(changed, null, null, (isset this->tick ? 0 : null)) > 0 { for socket in changed { let message = this->receive(socket); if message !== false && isset this->message { call_user_func(this->message, message, this); } } } usleep(this->getParam("sleep", 5000)); } } /** * Set a callback to execute when a message arrives. * The callable will receive the message string and the server instance. * * @param callable callback The callback * @return self */ public function onMessage(callable callback) { let this->message = callback; return this; } /** * Set a callback to execute every few milliseconds. * The callable will receive the server instance. If it returns boolean `false` the client will stop listening. * * @param callable callback The callback * @return self */ public function onTick(callable callback) { let this->tick = callback; return this; } }