namespace Ice; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionParameter; /** * Component that implements Dependency Injection and a container for the services. * * @package Ice/Di * @category Component * @author Ice Team * @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team * @license */ class Di extends Arr { protected static di; protected hooks = []; protected defaults = [] { set }; /** * Di constructor. Sets root path. * * @param array data Array of services */ public function __construct(array data = []) { parent::__construct(data); let self::di = this; } /** * Return the last DI created. * * @return Di */ public static function $fetch() ->{ return self::di; } /** * Resolves the service based on its configuration. * * @param string key Service name * @param mixed parameters Definition */ public function get(string key, var parameters = null) { var predefined; if this->has(key) { return parent::get(key, parameters); } else { fetch predefined, this->getDefaults()[key]; return this->set(key, predefined ? predefined : parameters); } } /** * Registers a service in the services container. * * @param string key Service name * @param mixed value Definition */ public function set(string key, var value) { var service; let service = this->resolve(value, key), this->data[key] = service; return service; } /** * Get default services. * * @return array */ public function getDefaults() { var defaults = [ "assets": "Ice\\Assets", "config": "Ice\\Config", "cookies": "Ice\\Cookies", "crypt": "Ice\\Crypt", "dispatcher": "Ice\\Mvc\\Dispatcher", "dump": "Ice\\Dump", "filter": "Ice\\Filter", "flash": "Ice\\Flash", "loader": "Ice\\Loader", "request": "Ice\\Http\\Request", "response": "Ice\\Http\\Response", "router": "Ice\\Mvc\\Router", "session": "Ice\\Session", "tag": "Ice\\Tag", "text": "Ice\\Text", "url": "Ice\\Mvc\\Url", "view": "Ice\\Mvc\\View" ]; if PHP_SAPI === "cli" { let defaults = array_merge(defaults, [ "dispatcher": "Ice\\Cli\\Dispatcher", "router": "Ice\\Cli\\Router" ]); } return array_merge(defaults, this->defaults); } /** * Resolve service. * * @param mixed service Definition * @return object service * @return string key */ public function resolve(var service, string key) { var params; if typeof service == "null" { return null; } elseif typeof service == "string" { if class_exists(service) { let service = this->build(service); } } else { if typeof service == "object" { if service instanceof \Closure { let service = call_user_func(service); } } else { // Array definitions class name as a key if typeof service == "array" { var name; let name = key(service); // Check the defaults if is_numeric(name) { fetch name, this->getDefaults()[key]; } let params = current(service), service = this->build(name, [params]); } } } if typeof service != "object" { throw new Exception(sprintf("Service '%s' cannot be resolved", service)); } return service; } /** * Build an instance of the given class. * * @param string service * @return mixed */ public function build(var service, var parameters = []) { var reflector, constructor, dependencies; if typeof service == "object" { if service instanceof \Closure { return call_user_func_array(service, parameters); } } let reflector = new ReflectionClass(service); if !reflector->isInstantiable() { throw new Exception(["Service '%s' is not instantiable", service]); } let constructor = reflector->getConstructor(); if is_null(constructor) { return create_instance(service); } let dependencies = constructor->getParameters(), parameters = this->getParameters(dependencies, parameters), dependencies = this->getDependencies(dependencies, parameters); return reflector->newInstanceArgs(dependencies); } /** * If extra parameters are passed by numeric ID, rekey them by argument name. * * @param array dependencies * @param array parameters * @return array */ protected function getParameters(array dependencies, array parameters) { var key, value, dependency; for key, value in parameters { if is_numeric(key) { unset parameters[key]; let dependency = dependencies[key], parameters[dependency->name] = value; } } return parameters; } /** * Build up a list of dependencies for a given methods parameters. * * @param array parameters * @return array */ public function getDependencies(array parameters, array primitives = []) { var dependencies, parameter, dependency; let dependencies = []; for parameter in parameters { let dependency = parameter->getType() && !parameter->getType()->isBuiltin() ? new ReflectionClass(parameter->getType()->getName()) : null; if array_key_exists(parameter->name, primitives) { let dependencies[] = primitives[parameter->name]; } elseif is_null(dependency) { if !parameter->isOptional() { let dependencies[] = this->resolveNonClass(parameter); } } else { let dependencies[] = this->build(dependency->name); } } return dependencies; } /** * Determine what to do with a non-class value. * * @param ReflectionParameter parameter * @return mixed * * @throws Exception */ public function resolveNonClass( parameter) { if parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable() { return parameter->getDefaultValue(); } throw new Exception(["Unresolvable dependency resolving '%s' in class '%s'", parameter, parameter->getDeclaringClass()->getName()]); } /** * Set handlers for error, exeception and shutdown. * Class should contain method handler, errorHandler and shutdownHandler. * * @param string className * @return object Di */ public function errors(string className = "Ice\\Exception") { // Enable Ice exception handling, adds stack traces and error source. set_exception_handler([className, "handler"]); // Enable Ice error handling, converts all PHP errors to exceptions. set_error_handler([className, "errorHandler"]); // Enable Ice shutdown handler, which catches E_FATAL errors. register_shutdown_function([className, "shutdownHandler"]); return this; } /** * Assign hook. * * @param string name The hook name * @param mixed callable A callable object * @param mixed context The callback bind to the object * @param int priority The hook priority; 0 = high, 10 = low * @return object Di */ public function hook(string name, var callback, var context = null, int priority = 10) { if typeof callback == "callable" { if context != null && is_object(context) { let name .= spl_object_hash(context); } if !isset this->hooks[name] { let this->hooks[name] = [[]]; } let this->hooks[name][priority][] = callback; } return this; } /** * Invoke hook. * * @param string name The hook name * @param mixed hookArg Argument for hooked functions * @param mixed context The callback bind to the object * @return object Di */ public function applyHook(string name, array args = null, var context = null) { var priority, callback; if context != null && is_object(context) { let name .= spl_object_hash(context); } if !isset this->hooks[name] { let this->hooks[name] = [[]]; } if !empty this->hooks[name] { // Sort by priority, low to high, if there's more than one priority //if count(this->hooks[name]) > 1 { // ksort(this->hooks[name]); //} for priority in this->hooks[name] { if !empty priority { for callback in priority { call_user_func_array(callback, args); } } } } return this; } /** * Get hook listeners. * Return an array of registered hooks. If `$name` is a valid hook name, only the listeners attached to that hook * are returned. Else, all listeners are returned as an associative array whose keys are hook names and whose values * are arrays of listeners. * * @param string name A hook name (Optional) * @param mixed context The callback bind to the object * @return array|null */ public function getHooks(string name = null, var context = null) -> array | null { if name { if context != null && is_object(context) { let name .= spl_object_hash(context); } return isset this->hooks[name] ? this->hooks[name] : null; } else { return this->hooks; } } /** * Clear hook listeners. * Clear all listeners for all hooks. If `$name` is a valid hook name, only the listeners attached to that hook * will be cleared. * * @param string $name A hook name (Optional) * @param mixed context The callback bind to the object * @return object Di */ public function clearHooks(string name = null, var context = null) { if name { if context != null && is_object(context) { let name .= spl_object_hash(context); } unset this->hooks[name]; } else { let this->hooks = []; } return this; } /** * Magic method to get or set services using setters/getters. * * @param string method * @param mixed arguments * @return mixed */ public function __call(string! method, arguments = null) { var value; // If the magic method starts with "get" we try to get a service with that name if starts_with(method, "get") { fetch value, arguments[0]; return this->get(lcfirst(substr(method, 3)), value); } // If the magic method starts with "set" we try to set a service using that name if starts_with(method, "set") { fetch value, arguments[0]; return this->set(lcfirst(substr(method, 3)), value); } // The method doesn't start with set/get throw an exception throw new Exception("Call to undefined method or service '" . method . "'"); } }