ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
Class Ice


namespace Ice;

use Ice\Mvc\ModuleInterface;

 * The base class for Ice\Mvc\Dispatcher and Ice\CLI\Dispatcher.
 * For the response from router and in the specified module, create instance of handler with action and params.
 * @package     Ice/Dispatcher
 * @category    Component
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
 * @license
abstract class Dispatcher
    protected di;
    protected defaultNamespace { get, set };
    protected activeHandler { get };
    protected lastHandler { get };

    protected loops = 16 { get, set };
    protected finished { get };
    protected forwards = 0 { get };
    protected forwarded = false { get };
    protected silent = false { set };

    protected modules = [] { get, set };
    protected module = null { get, set };
    protected $namespace = null { get, set };
    protected handler = null { get, set };
    protected action = null { get, set };

    protected params = [] { get, set };
    protected returnedValue = null { get, set };

    protected handlers = "Handlers" { get, set };
    protected handlerSuffix = "Handler" { get, set };
    protected actionSuffix = "Action" { get, set };

    protected previousModule = null;
    protected previousHandler = null;
    protected previousAction = null;

    const DISPATCH_CYCLIC = 1;
    const HANDLER_NOT_FOUND = 2;
    const ACTION_NOT_FOUND = 3;
    const INVALID_PARAMS = 4;

     * Di constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property.
    public function __construct()
        let this->di = Di::$fetch();

     * Whether or not an param exists by key.
     * @param string key The param key
     * @return boolean
    public function hasParam(string key) -> boolean
        return isset this->params[key];

     * Set a param by its name or numeric index.
     * @param mixed param
     * @param mixed value
    public function setParam(var param, var value)
        let this->params[param] = value;

     * Gets variable from params attribute applying filters if needed.
     * If no parameters are given, return all.

     *  //Returns value from $params["id"] without sanitizing
     *  $id = $this->router->getParam("id");
     *  //Returns value from $params["title"] with sanitizing
     *  $title = $this->router->getParam("title", "escape|repeats");
     *  //Returns value from $params["id"] with a default value
     *  $id = $this->router->getParam("id", null, 150);
* * @param string key Index to get * @param string|array filters Filters to apply * @param mixed defaultValue Default value if key not exist or value is empty and allowEmpty is false * @param boolean allowEmpty * @return mixed */ public function getParam(string key = null, var filters = null, var defaultValue = null, boolean allowEmpty = false) { var params; let params = new Arr(this->params); if !key { return params; } else { return params->getValue(key, filters, defaultValue, allowEmpty); } } /** * Returns the current method to be/executed in the dispatcher. * * @return string */ public function getActiveMethod() -> string { return this->action . this->actionSuffix; } /** * Add module with its dir path, initial class name and namespace * * @param string name * @param array options The keys can be [path|class|namespace] * @return object Dispatcher */ public function addModule(string name, array options) { // add or replace module let this->modules[name] = options; return this; } /** * Dispatches a handle action taking into account the routing parameters. * * @return object */ public function dispatch() { var handler, response, handlerName, actionName, params, handlerSuffix, handlerClass, actionMethod; var fresh, module, modules, moduleNamespace, path, moduleClass, loader; let response = this->di->get("response"), fresh = true, handler = null, handlerSuffix = this->handlerSuffix, this->finished = false; while !this->finished { let this->forwards++; // Throw an exception after 16 consecutive forwards if this->loops && this->forwards > this->loops { if this->silent { // 508 Loop Detected response->setStatus(508); response->setBody(response->getMessage(508)); return response; } throw new Exception("Dispatcher has detected a cyclic routing causing stability problems", self::DISPATCH_CYCLIC); } let this->finished = true, modules = this->modules; if modules { if !fetch module, modules[this->module] { throw new Exception(["Module '%s' isn't registered in the application container", this->module]); } if typeof module != "array" { throw new Exception("Module definition must be an array"); } if fetch path, module["path"] { if !file_exists(path) { throw new Exception(["Module definition path '%s' doesn't exist", path]); } } if !fetch moduleClass, module["class"] { let moduleClass = "Module"; } if !fetch moduleNamespace, module["namespace"] { let moduleNamespace = moduleClass; } let loader = this->di->get("loader"), this->$namespace = moduleNamespace; loader->addNamespace(moduleNamespace, path)->register(); let module = create_instance_params(moduleNamespace . "\\" . moduleClass, [this->di]); module->registerAutoloaders(loader); module->registerServices(this->di); } if !this->defaultNamespace { this->setDefaultNamespace(this->$namespace . "\\" . this->handlers); } let handlerName = this->handler, actionName = this->action, handlerClass = this->defaultNamespace . "\\" . ucfirst(camelize(handlerName)) . handlerSuffix; if !class_exists(handlerClass) { if this->silent { // 404 Not Found response->setStatus(404); response->setBody(response->getMessage(404)); return response; } throw new Exception(["%s handler class cannot be loaded", handlerClass], self::HANDLER_NOT_FOUND); } let this->lastHandler = handler, handler = this->di->build(handlerClass), this->activeHandler = handler, actionMethod = this->getActiveMethod(); if method_exists(handler, "before") { var before = handler->before(); if before !== null { let this->returnedValue = before; continue; } if this->finished === false { continue; } } // Call the 'initialize' method just once per request if fresh === true { if method_exists(handler, "initialize") { handler->initialize(); } } // Check if the method exists in the handler if !method_exists(handler, actionMethod) { if this->silent { // 404 Not Found response->setStatus(404); response->setBody(response->getMessage(404)); return response; } throw new Exception(["Action '%s' was not found on handler '%s'", actionName, handlerName], self::ACTION_NOT_FOUND); } let params = this->params; if typeof params != "array" { throw new Exception("Action parameters must be an array", self::INVALID_PARAMS); } let this->returnedValue = call_user_func_array([handler, actionMethod], params); if this->finished === false { continue; } if method_exists(handler, "after") { handler->after(); if this->finished === false { continue; } } let fresh = false; } return handler; } /** * Forwards the execution flow to another module/controller/action. * * @param array forward * @param boolean force * @return object Dispatcher */ public function forward(array! forward, boolean force = false) { var module, handler, action, params; // Check if we need to forward to another module if fetch module, forward["module"] { let this->previousModule = this->module, this->module = module; } // Check if we need to forward to another handler if fetch handler, forward["handler"] { let this->previousHandler = this->handler, this->handler = handler; } // Check if we need to forward to another action if fetch action, forward["action"] { let this->previousAction = this->action, this->action = action; } // Check if we need to forward changing the current parameters if fetch params, forward["params"] { let this->params = params; } let this->finished = false, this->forwarded = true; if force { this->dispatch(); } return this; } /** * Reset module, handler and action to default ones, and empty the params. * * @return object Dispatcher */ public function reset() { var router; let router = this->di->router; this->setModule(router->getDefaultModule()) ->setHandler(router->getDefaultHandler()) ->setAction(router->getDefaultAction()) ->setParams([]); return this; } }