namespace Ice;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionObject;
use stdClass;
* Dumps information about a variable(s)
* @package Ice/Dump
* @category Helper
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
* $foo = 123;
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->variable($foo, "foo");
* $foo = "string";
* $bar = ["key" => "value"];
* $baz = new stdClass();
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->vars($foo, $bar, $baz);
* Sleet usage:
* {{ dump('str', 1, 2.5, true, null, ['key': 'value']) }}
class Dump
protected detailed = false { get, set };
protected plain = false { get, set };
protected skip = ["Ice\\Di"] { get, set };
protected methods = [];
protected objects = [];
protected styles = [];
* Dump constructor
* @param boolean detailed debug object's private and protected properties
* @param mixed styles
public function __construct(boolean detailed = false, var styles = [])
if typeof styles == "array" {
} elseif typeof styles == "boolean" {
let this->plain = styles;
let this->detailed = detailed;
* Alias of vars() method
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->all($foo, $bar, $baz);
* @param mixed variable
* @param ...
* @return string
public function all() -> string
return call_user_func_array([this, "vars"], func_get_args());
* Get style for type
* @param string type
* @return string
protected function getStyle(string! type) -> string
var style;
if fetch style, this->styles[type] {
return style;
} else {
return "color:gray";
* Set styles for vars type
* Styles: pre, arr, bool, float, int, null, num, obj, other, res, str
* @param array styles
* @return array
public function setStyles(array styles = []) -> array
var defaultStyles;
if typeof styles != "array" {
throw new Exception("The styles must be an array");
let defaultStyles = [
"pre": "background-color:#f9f9f9; font-size:11px; padding:10px; border:1px solid #ccc; text-align:left; color:#333",
"arr": "color:red",
"bool": "color:green",
"float": "color:fuchsia",
"int": "color:blue",
"null": "color:black",
"num": "color:navy",
"obj": "color:purple",
"other": "color:maroon",
"res": "color:lime",
"str": "color:teal",
"line": "highlight-block",
"lines": ""
let this->styles = array_merge(defaultStyles, styles);
return this->styles;
* Alias of variable() method
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->one($foo, "foo");
* @param mixed variable
* @param string name
* @return string
public function one(variable, string name = null) -> string
return this->variable(variable, name);
* Prepare an HTML string of information about a single variable.
* @param mixed variable
* @param string name
* @param integer tab
* @return string
protected function output(variable, name = null, tab = 1) -> string
var key, value, output, space, type, attr;
let space = " ",
output = "";
if name {
let output = name . " ";
if typeof variable == "array" {
let output .= strtr((this->plain ? "array (:count) (" . PHP_EOL : "array (:count) (" . PHP_EOL), [":style": this->getStyle("arr"), ":count": count(variable)]);
for key, value in variable {
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . strtr((this->plain ? "[:key] => " : "[:key] => "), [":style": this->getStyle("arr"), ":key": key]);
if tab == 1 && name != "" && !is_int(key) && name == key {
} else {
let output .= this->output(value, "", tab + 1) . PHP_EOL;
return output . str_repeat(space, tab - 1) . ")";
if typeof variable == "object" {
var className, hash;
let className = get_class(variable),
hash = spl_object_hash(variable),
output .= strtr((this->plain ? "object :class" : "object :class"), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":class": className]);
if get_parent_class(variable) {
let output .= strtr((this->plain ? " extends :parent" : " extends :parent"), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":parent": get_parent_class(variable)]);
let output .= " (" . PHP_EOL;
if in_array(className, this->skip) {
// Skip debuging
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . "[skipped]" . PHP_EOL;
} elseif in_array(hash, this->objects) {
// Recursion
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . "[already listed]" . PHP_EOL;
} elseif !this->detailed {
// Debug only public properties
for key, value in get_object_vars(variable) {
let this->objects[] = hash,
output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . strtr((this->plain ? "->:key (:type) = " : "->:key (:type) = "), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":key": key, ":type": "public"]),
output .= this->output(value, "", tab + 1) . PHP_EOL;
} else {
// Debug all properties
var reflect;
let reflect = variable instanceof stdClass ? new ReflectionObject(variable) : new ReflectionClass(variable);
for attr in reflect->getProperties() {
let key = attr->getName(),
type = "public";
if attr->isProtected() {
let type = "protected";
if attr->isPrivate() {
let type = "private";
if attr->isStatic() {
let type .= " static";
let value = attr->getValue(variable);
let this->objects[] = hash,
output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . strtr((this->plain ? "->:key (:type) = " : "->:key (:type) = "), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":key": key, ":type": type]),
output .= this->output(value, "", tab + 1) . PHP_EOL;
let attr = get_class_methods(variable),
output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . strtr((this->plain ? ":class methods: (:count) (" . PHP_EOL : ":class methods: (:count) (" . PHP_EOL), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":class": className, ":count": count(attr)]);
if in_array(className, this->methods) {
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . "[already listed]" . PHP_EOL;
} else {
for value in attr {
if !in_array(className, this->methods) {
let this->methods[] = className;
if value == "__construct" {
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab + 1) . strtr((this->plain ? "->:method(); [constructor]" . PHP_EOL : "->:method(); [constructor]" . PHP_EOL), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":method": value]);
} else {
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab + 1) . strtr((this->plain ? "->:method();" . PHP_EOL : "->:method();" . PHP_EOL), [":style": this->getStyle("obj"), ":method": value]);
let output .= str_repeat(space, tab) . ")" . PHP_EOL;
return output . str_repeat(space, tab - 1) . ")";
if is_int(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "integer (:var)" : "integer (:var)"), [":style": this->getStyle("int"), ":var": variable]);
if is_float(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "float (:var)" : "float (:var)"), [":style": this->getStyle("float"), ":var": variable]);
if is_numeric(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "numeric string (:length) \":var\"" : "numeric string (:length) \":var\""), [":style": this->getStyle("num"), ":length": strlen(variable), ":var": variable]);
if is_string(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "string (:length) \":var\"" : "string (:length) \":var\""), [":style": this->getStyle("str"), ":length": strlen(variable), ":var": nl2br(htmlentities(variable, ENT_IGNORE, "utf-8"))]);
if is_bool(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "boolean (:var)" : "boolean (:var)"), [":style": this->getStyle("bool"), ":var": (variable ? "true" : "false")]);
if is_null(variable) {
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "null" : "null"), [":style": this->getStyle("null")]);
return output . strtr((this->plain ? "(:var)" : "(:var)"), [":style": this->getStyle("other"), ":var": variable]);
* Returns an HTML string of information about a single variable.
* $foo = 123;
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->variable($foo, "foo");
* @param mixed variable
* @param string name
* @return string
public function variable(variable, string name = null) -> string
return strtr((this->plain ? ":output" : ":output
"), [":style": this->getStyle("pre"), ":output": this->output(variable, name)]);
* Returns an HTML string of debugging information about any number of
* variables, each wrapped in a "pre" tag.
* $foo = "string";
* $bar = ["key" => "value"];
* $baz = new stdClass();
* echo (new \Ice\Dump())->vars($foo, $bar, $baz);
* @param mixed variable
* @param ...
* @return string
public function vars() -> string
var key, value, output;
let output = "";
for key, value in func_get_args() {
let output .= this->one(value, "var " . key);
return output;
* Returns an HTML string, highlighting a specific line of a file, with some number of lines padded above and below.
* @param string file File to open
* @param integer line Line number to highlight
* @param integer padding Number of padding lines
* @return array Source of file, false if file is unreadable
public function source(string filename, int line, int padding = 5) -> array|boolean
var file, range, format, lines, row;
int i = 0;
if empty filename || !is_readable(filename) {
// Continuing will cause errors
return false;
// Open the file and set the line position
let file = fopen(filename, "r");
// Set the reading range
let range = [
"start": line - padding,
"end": line + padding
// Set the zero-padding amount for line numbers
let format = "% " . strlen(range["end"]) . "d",
lines = [],
row = fgets(file);
while !feof(file) {
if row === false {
// Increment the line number
let i++;
if i > range["end"] {
if i >= range["start"] {
// Make the row safe for output
let row = htmlspecialchars(row, ENT_NOQUOTES, "utf-8");
if i === line {
// Apply highlighting to this row
let lines[sprintf(format, i)] .= strtr((this->plain ? ":var" : ":var
"), [":class": this->getStyle("line"), ":var": row]);
} else {
let lines[sprintf(format, i)] .= strtr((this->plain ? ":var" : ":var
"), [":class": this->getStyle("lines"), ":var": row]);
let row = fgets(file);
// Close the file
return lines;