namespace Ice; /** * Exception class. * * @package Ice/Exception * @category Error * @author Ice Team * @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team * @license */ class Exception extends \Exception { /** * Creates a new exception. * Translate exception's message using the [I18n] class. * * @param mixed message Error message * @param mixed code The exception code * @param Exception|Throwable previous Previous exception */ public function __construct(var message = "", code = 0, previous = null) { var di, values, str; let di = Di::$fetch(); if typeof message == "array" { let values = array_slice(message, 1), str = message[0]; } else { let values = null, str = message; } // Check if translation module is available. if di->has("i18n") { let message = di->get("i18n")->translate(str, values); } elseif typeof values == "array" { // Check if values is associative or sequential if count(array_filter(array_keys(values), "is_string")) { let message = strtr(str, values); } else { let message = call_user_func_array("sprintf", message); } } parent::__construct((string) message, (int) code, previous); } /** * Get the full trace as string. * * @param Exception|Throwable $e * @return string */ public function getFullTraceAsString(e) { var output, frame, args, arg, node; int count = 0; let output = ""; for frame in e->getTrace() { let args = ""; if isset frame["args"] { let node = []; for arg in frame["args"] { switch typeof arg { case "string": let node[] = "'" . arg . "'"; break; case "array": let node[] = "Array"; break; case "NULL": let node[] = "NULL"; break; case "boolean": let node[] = arg ? "true" : "false"; break; case "object": let node[] = "Object(" . get_class(arg) . ")"; break; case "resource": let node[] = arg; break; default: let node[] = arg; break; } } let args = join(", ", node); } let output .= sprintf( "#%s %s: %s(%s)\n", count, (isset frame["file"] ? frame["file"] . "(" . frame["line"] . ")" : "[internal function]"), (isset frame["class"] ? frame["class"] . frame["type"] . frame["function"] : frame["function"]), args ), count++; } return output; } /** * PHP error handler, converts all errors into ErrorExceptions. This handler respects error_reporting settings. * * @throws ErrorException * @return true */ public static function errorHandler(int code, string message, string file = null, int line = 0, array context = []) { if error_reporting() & code { // This error is not suppressed by current error reporting settings // Convert the error into an ErrorException throw new \ErrorException(message, code, 0, file, line); } // Do not execute the PHP error handler return true; } /** * Inline exception handler, displays the error message, source of the exception, and the stack trace of the error. * * @param Exception|Throwable $e * @return void */ public static function handler(e) { var di, response; let di = Di::$fetch(), response = di->get("response"); // Clear the previous response body response->setBody(""); di->applyHook("exception.after.uncaught", [e, di]); if response->getBody() { echo response->send(); } else { throw e; } exit(1); } /** * Catches errors that are not caught by the error handler. * E_PARSE, E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR * * @return void */ public static function shutdownHandler() { var e; let e = error_get_last(); if typeof e == "array" && in_array(e["type"], [E_PARSE, E_ERROR, E_CORE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR]) { // Clean the output buffer ob_get_level(); ob_clean(); // Fake an exception for nice debugging Exception::handler(new \ErrorException(e["message"], e["type"], 0, e["file"], e["line"])); // Shutdown now to avoid a "death loop" exit(1); } } }