namespace Ice\Http;
use Ice\Di;
use Ice\Exception;
use Ice\Http\Response\Headers;
use Ice\Http\Request\RequestInterface;
use Ice\Http\Response\ResponseInterface;
* This class provides a simple interface around the HTTP response.
* @package Ice/Http
* @category Component
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
class Response implements ResponseInterface
protected protocolVersion = "HTTP/1.1" { get, set };
protected status = 200 { get, set };
protected headers;
protected loops = 16 { get, set };
protected redirects = 0 { get };
protected body { get, set };
* Response constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property.
* @param string|null body The HTTP response body
* @param int status The HTTP response status
public function __construct(var body = null, int status = 200)
let this->headers = new Headers(),
this->status = status,
this->body = body;
this->headers->set("Content-Type", "text/html");
* Get HTTP headers.
* @return array
public function getHeaders() -> array
return this->headers->all();
* Check whether request have a given header.
* @param string name
* @return boolean
public function hasHeader(string name) -> boolean
return this->headers->has(name);
* Get header value.
* @param string name
* @return string
public function getHeader(string name) -> string
return this->headers->get(name);
* Set header value.
* @param string name
* @param string value
* @return object Response
public function setHeader(string name, string value)
this->headers->set(name, value);
return this;
* Set multiple header values.
* @param array headers
* @return object Response
public function setHeaders(array headers)
return this;
* Remove header by index name.
* @param string name
* @return object Response
public function removeHeader(string name)
return this;
* Set body content.
* @param string content
* @return object Response
public function setContent(string contet) -> object
let this->body = contet;
return this;
* Finalize response for delivery to client.
* Apply final preparations to the resposne object so that it is suitable for delivery to the client.
* @param RequestInterface request
* @return object Response
public function finalize( request)
var sendBody;
let sendBody = true;
if in_array(this->status, [204, 304]) {
let sendBody = false;
// Remove body if HEAD request
if request->isHead() {
let sendBody = false;
// Truncate body if it should not be sent with response
if !sendBody {
let this->body = "";
return this;
* Send HTTP response headers.
* @return object Response
public function send()
if !headers_sent() {
if strpos(PHP_SAPI, "cgi") === 0 {
header(sprintf("Status: %d %s", this->status, this->getMessage(this->status)));
} else {
header(sprintf("%s %d %s", this->getProtocolVersion(), this->status, this->getMessage(this->status)));
var di = Di::$fetch();
if di->has("session") && !this->isRedirect() {
return this;
* Send file download as the response. All execution will be halted when
* this method is called! The third parameter allows the following
* options to be set:
* Type | Option | Description | Default Value
* ----------|-----------|------------------------------------|--------------
* string | file | file that already exists | null
* boolean | inline | Display inline instead of download | FALSE
* boolean | resumable | Allow to resumable download | FALSE
* boolean | delete | Delete the file after sending | FALSE
* int | timeout | Execute time for the script | 0
* int | speed | Download speed in millisecond | 0
* Download a file that already exists:
* $request->sendFile('', 'application/zip', ['file' => '/download/']);
* Download generated content as a file:
* $response->setContent($content);
* $response->sendFile($filename, $mineType);
* Attention: No further processing can be done after this method is called!
* @param string filename The file name of the attachment
* @param string mime Manual mime type
* @param array options The keys can be [file|inline|resumable|delete|timeout|speed]
* @return void
public function sendFile(string filename, string mime, array options = [])
var file, filepath, data, size, isDelete, disposition, block, pos, speed, range, start, end;
if empty options["file"] {
// Force the data to be rendered if
let data = (string) this->body;
// Get the content size
let size = strlen(data);
// Create a temporary file to hold the current response
let file = tmpfile();
// Write the current response into the file
fwrite(file, data);
let isDelete = false;
} else {
// Get the complete file path
let filepath = realpath(options["file"]);
// Get the file size
let size = filesize(filepath);
// Open the file for reading
let file = fopen(filepath, "rb");
fetch isDelete, options["delete"];
if !is_resource(file) {
throw new Exception(["Could not read file to send: %s", filename]);
if empty options["inline"] {
let disposition = "attachment";
} else {
let disposition = "inline";
if empty options["resumable"] {
this->headers->set("Content-Length", size);
} else {
// Calculate byte range to download.
let range = this->getByteRange(size),
start = range[0],
end = range[1];
// HTTP/1.1 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
if this->status == 416 {
header(sprintf("%s %d %s", this->getProtocolVersion(), this->status, this->getMessage(this->status)));
// Partial Content
if start > 0 || end < size - 1 {
let this->status = 206;
// Range of bytes being sent
this->headers->set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
this->headers->set("Content-Range", "bytes ".start."-".end."/".size);
this->headers->set("Content-Length", end - start + 1);
// Set the headers for a download
this->headers->set("Content-Disposition", disposition."; filename=\"".filename."\"");
this->headers->set("Content-Type", mime);
// Send all headers now
while ob_get_level() {
// Flush all output buffers
// Manually stop execution
if empty options["timeout"] {
// Keep the script running forever
} else {
// Send data in 16kb blocks
let block = 1024 * 16;
if !empty options["sleep"] {
let speed = ((int)options["sleep"]) * 1000;
} else {
let speed = 0;
fseek(file, start);
while !feof(file) {
let pos = ftell(file);
if pos > end || connection_aborted() {
if pos + block > end {
// Don't read past the buffer.
let block = end - pos + 1;
// Output a block of the file
echo fread(file, block);
// Send the data now
if speed > 0 {
// Close the file
if isDelete {
try {
// Attempt to remove the file
} catch \Exception {
// TODO: Write log for this exception
// Do NOT display the exception, it will corrupt the output!
// Stop execution
* Redirect to some location.
* This method prepares the response object to return an HTTP Redirect response to the client.
* @param string location The redirect destination
* @param int status The redirect HTTP status code
* @return object Response
public function redirect(string location = null, int status = 302, boolean external = false)
var url, di = Di::$fetch();;
int redirects;
if !external {
let url = di->get("url"),
location = url->rel(location);
if di->has("session") && this->loops {
var session = di->get("session");
let redirects = (int) session->get("_redirects", 0) + 1,
this->redirects = redirects;
session->set("_redirects", redirects);
if this->redirects > this->loops {
return this;
this->headers->set("Location", location);
return this;
* Check whether status is for Empty.
* @return boolean
public function isEmpty() -> boolean
return in_array(this->status, [201, 204, 304]);
* Check whether status is for Informational.
* @return boolean
public function isInformational() -> boolean
return this->status >= 100 && this->status < 200;
* Check whether status is for OK.
* @return boolean
public function isOk() -> boolean
return this->status === 200;
* Check whether status is for Successful.
* @return boolean
public function isSuccessful() -> boolean
return this->status >= 200 && this->status < 300;
* Check whether status is for Redirect.
* @return boolean
public function isRedirect() -> boolean
return in_array(this->status, [301, 302, 303, 307]);
* Check whether status is for Redirection.
* @return boolean
public function isRedirection() -> boolean
return this->status >= 300 && this->status < 400;
* Check whether status is for Forbidden.
* @return boolean
public function isForbidden() -> boolean
return this->status === 403;
* Check whether status is for Not Found.
* @return boolean
public function isNotFound() -> boolean
return this->status === 404;
* Check whether status is for Client error.
* @return boolean
public function isClientError() -> boolean
return this->status >= 400 && this->status < 500;
* Check whether status is for Server Error.
* @return boolean
public function isServerError() -> boolean
return this->status >= 500 && this->status < 600;
* Get message for Response codes.
* @param int code Status code
* @return string
public function getMessage(int code = 200) -> string
var message;
fetch message, this->getMessages()[code];
return message ? message : "";
* Get all messages.
* @return array
public function getMessages() -> array
return [
//Informational 1xx
100: "Continue",
101: "Switching Protocols",
102: "Processing",
//Successful 2xx
200: "OK",
201: "Created",
202: "Accepted",
203: "Non-Authoritative Information",
204: "No Content",
205: "Reset Content",
206: "Partial Content",
207: "Multi-Status",
208: "Already Reported",
226: "IM Used",
//Redirection 3xx
300: "Multiple Choices",
301: "Moved Permanently",
302: "Found",
303: "See Other",
304: "Not Modified",
305: "Use Proxy",
306: "(Unused)",
307: "Temporary Redirect",
308: "Permanent Redirect",
310: "Too Many Redirects",
//Client Error 4xx
400: "Bad Request",
401: "Unauthorized",
402: "Payment Required",
403: "Forbidden",
404: "Not Found",
405: "Method Not Allowed",
406: "Not Acceptable",
407: "Proxy Authentication Required",
408: "Request Timeout",
409: "Conflict",
410: "Gone",
411: "Length Required",
412: "Precondition Failed",
413: "Request Entity Too Large",
414: "Request-URI Too Long",
415: "Unsupported Media Type",
416: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417: "Expectation Failed",
418: "I'm a teapot",
422: "Unprocessable Entity",
423: "Locked",
424: "Failed Dependency",
426: "Upgrade Required",
428: "Precondition Required",
429: "Too Many Requests",
431: "Request Header Fields Too Large",
//Server Error 5xx
500: "Internal Server Error",
501: "Not Implemented",
502: "Bad Gateway",
503: "Service Unavailable",
504: "Gateway Timeout",
505: "HTTP Version Not Supported",
506: "Variant Also Negotiates",
507: "Insufficient Storage",
508: "Loop Detected",
510: "Not Extended",
511: "Network Authentication Required"
* Response data to JSON string.
* @param mixed data Can be any type excepta resource
* @param int option The options for json_encode
* @return object Response
public function toJson(var data, var option = null)
this->headers->set("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
let this->body = json_encode(data, option);
return this;
* Response data to XML string.
* $response->toXml(
* [['title' => 'hello world', 'desc' => 'dont panic']],
* ['root' => 'blogs', 'namespace' => '']
* );
* // This will output the xml
* hello worlddont panic
* @param mixed data Can be any type excepta resource
* @param array options The options can be [root|charset|namespace]
* @return object Response
public function toXml(var data, var options = null)
var doc, ns, rootName, charset;
let rootName = isset options["root"] ? options["root"] : "result",
charset = isset options["charset"] ? options["charset"] : "utf-8",
doc = this->xmlEncode(data, rootName),
doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false,
doc->formatOutput = true,
doc->encoding = charset;
if fetch ns, options["namespace"] {
doc->createAttributeNS(ns, "xmlns");
this->headers->set("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=" . charset);
let this->body = doc->saveXML();
return this;
* Convert data to XML string.
* @param mixed data Can be any type excepta resource
* @param string root The root tag name
* @param DOMElement domNode null, ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE
* @return DOMDocument domDoc object
public function xmlEncode(var data, string root = "root", <\DOMElement> domNode = null)
var domDoc, type, key, val, node;
if domNode === null {
let domDoc = new \DOMDocument,
domNode = domDoc->createElement(root);
this->xmlEncode(data, null, domNode);
return domDoc;
let domDoc = domNode->ownerDocument,
type = typeof data;
if type == "array" {
for key, val in data {
if typeof key == "integer" {
let node = domDoc->createElement(rtrim(domNode->tagName, "s"));
node->setAttribute("i", key);
} else {
let node = domDoc->createElement(key);
this->xmlEncode(val, null, node);
} elseif type == "object" {
// set internal attr __is__ eq object
domNode->setAttribute("__is__", "obj");
for key, val in get_object_vars(data) {
if typeof val == "array" || typeof val == "object" {
let node = domDoc->createElement(key);
this->xmlEncode(val, null, node);
} else {
domNode->setAttribute(key, val);
} else {
if type == "boolean" {
let data = data ? "true" : "false";
* Magic toString, convert response to string.
* @return string
public function __toString() -> string
return (string) this->body;
* At the moment we only support single ranges.
* Multiple ranges requires some more work to ensure it works correctly
* and comply with the spesifications:
* Multirange support annouces itself with:
* header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
* Multirange content must be sent with multipart/byteranges mediatype,
* as well as a boundry header to indicate the various chunks of data.
* @return array The bytes range start and end, error message if there is
protected function getByteRange(int size) -> array
var start, end, range;
let start = 0,
end = size - 1;
// Defaults to start with when the HTTP_RANGE header doesn't exist.
if isset _SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"] {
let range = explode("=", _SERVER["HTTP_RANGE"], 2);
if range[0] != "bytes" {
let this->status = 416;
} else {
// multiple ranges could be specified at the same time,
// but for simplicity only serve the first range ATM
let range = explode(",", range[1], 2), range = range[0];
// A negative value means we start from the end
if range[0] == "-" {
let start = abs(size - abs((int)range));
} else {
let range = explode("-", range), start = abs((int)range[0]);
if range[1] && is_numeric(range[1]) {
let end = (int)range[1];
if end > size {
let end = size - 1;
if start > end || start > size - 1 || end >= size {
let this->status = 416;
return [start, end];