ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
Class Ice Mvc


namespace Ice\Mvc;

use Ice\Di;
use Ice\Di\Access;
use Ice\Http\Response\ResponseInterface;

 * This component allows to create MVC applications.
 * @package     Ice/Mvc
 * @category    Application
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
 * @license
class App extends Access
    protected autoRender = true { get, set };
    protected modules { get, set };

     * App constructor
     * @param Di $di
    public function __construct( di = null)
        // Set the dependency injector
        let this->di = di;

        // Register the app itself as a service
        this->di->set("app", this);

     * Handles a MVC request.
     * @param string method
     * @param string uri
     * @return ResponseInterface|boolean
    public function handle(method = null, uri = null) ->  | boolean
        var argv, router, request, response, dispatcher, returned, controller, view;

        let request = this->di->get("request");
        if method == null {
            let method = request->getMethod();

        if uri == null {
            let uri = request->get("_url");

        // Set the default method & uri for the CLI
        if !method && PHP_SAPI === "cli" {
            let method = "GET",
                argv = _SERVER["argv"];

            if !uri && isset argv[1] {
                let uri = argv[1];

        let router = this->di->get("router"),
            response = router->handle(method, uri),
            dispatcher = this->di->get("dispatcher");

        this->di->applyHook("app.after.router.handle", [response]);

        if !(typeof response == "object" && (response instanceof ResponseInterface)) {

            let response = dispatcher->dispatch(),
                returned = dispatcher->getReturnedValue();

            if typeof returned == "object" && (returned instanceof ResponseInterface) {
                let response = returned;

            this->di->applyHook("app.after.dispatcher.dispatch", [response]);

            if !(typeof response == "object" && (response instanceof ResponseInterface)) {
                let controller = response,
                    response = this->di->get("response"),
                    view = controller->view;

                // Load views and set the response body if auto render
                // and there is no content in the response
                if this->autoRender && response->getBody() === null {
                    if view->getContent() === null {
                        if !view->getFile() {
                            view->setFile(dispatcher->getHandler() . "/" . dispatcher->getAction());
                        if !view->count() {

                    // if there is main layout view, other case e.g. load partial view through ajax
                    if view->getMainView() {
                    } else {

        this->di->applyHook("app.after.handle", [response]);

        return response->send();

     * Add module with its dir path, initial class name and namespace
     * @param string name
     * @param array options The keys can be [path|class|namespace]
     * @return object App
    public function addModule(string name, array options)
        // add or replace module
        let this->modules[name] = options;

        return this;