namespace Ice\Mvc; /** * This class represents every route added to the router. * * @package Ice/Router * @category Component * @author Ice Team * @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team * @license * @uses FastRoute */ class FastRoute { public httpMethod; public regex; public variables; public handler; /** * Constructs a route (value object). * * @param string httpMethod * @param mixed handler * @param string regex * @param array variables */ public function __construct(string httpMethod, handler, string regex, array variables) { let this->httpMethod = httpMethod, this->handler = handler, this->regex = regex, this->variables = variables; } /** * Tests whether this route matches the given string. * * @param string str * @return bool */ public function matches(string str) -> boolean { var regex; let regex = "~^" . this->regex . "$~"; return (boolean) preg_match(regex, str); } }