namespace Ice\Mvc;
use Ice\Di;
use Ice\Exception;
* Router is the standard framework router. Routing is the process of taking a URI endpoint and decomposing it into
* parameters to determine which module, controller, and action of that controller should receive the request.
* @package Ice/Router
* @category Component
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
class Router
// list of route objects
protected routes = [] { get };
// the name of current matched route after handle()
protected route = "default";
protected method { get };
protected module { get };
protected handler { get };
protected action { get };
protected params = [] { get };
protected silent = false { get, set };
// default module
protected defaultModule = "default" { get, set };
// default handler
protected defaultHandler = "index" { get, set };
// default action
protected defaultAction = "index" { get, set };
* Stores a named route and returns it.
* $router->addRoute("default", "[/{controller}[/{action}[/{id}]]]")
* ->setDefaults(["controller" => "hello"]);
* @param string route name
* @param string URI pattern
* @param array regex patterns for route keys
* @param mix method Request method limitation, * for no limit or an array of methods
* @return object self
public function addRoute(string name, string uri, array regex = null, var method = "*")
let this->routes[name] = new Route(uri, regex, method);
return this->routes[name];
* Retrieves a named route or the current matched route.
* $route = $router->getRoute("default");
* @param string route name
* @return Route|null
public function getRoute(string name = null)
var n = name;
if n === null {
let n = this->route;
return isset this->routes[n] ? this->routes[n] : null;
* Get the name of a route.
* @param object Route instance
* @return string
public function getRouteName( route)
return array_search(route, this->routes);
* Saves or loads the route cache.
* if (! $router->cache()) {
* // set routes
* $router->addRoute("default", "[/{controller}[/{action}[/{id}]]]");
* // cache routes
* $router->cache($filePath);
* }
* @param string file Cache the current routes to the file
* @return self|boolean when saving routes or loading routes
public function cache(string file = null)
if file {
// Cache all defined routes
file_put_contents(file, "routes, true) . ";");
return true;
if file_exists(file) {
let this->routes = require file;
// Routes were cached
return true;
// Routes were not cached
return false;
* Set defaults values
* $route->defaults(["controller" => "hello", "action" => "world"]);
* @param array defaults values
* @return self
public function defaults(array! defaults)
var module, handler, action;
if fetch module, defaults["module"] {
let this->defaultModule = module;
if fetch handler, defaults["controller"] {
let this->defaultHandler = handler;
if fetch action, defaults["action"] {
let this->defaultAction = action;
return this;
* Set an array of route rules.
* httpMethod: *|null - no limit, GET, POST, PUT or PATCH
* URI pattern: [] wrap for optional, {} wrap for regex placeholder key
* regex: an associate array placeholder key and regex limitation pattern
* defaults: default options for the module, handler and action
* // the rule format: ['name' => ["httpMethod", "URI pattern", "regex", "defaults"]]
* $route->setRoutes([
* ["default" => ["POST", "/{controller}[.ext]", ["controller" => "[a-z]+", "ext" => "(?:htm|html)"]]]
* ]);
* @param array routes Route rules
* @return self
public function setRoutes(array! routes = null)
var name, option, route, regex, defaults;
if empty routes {
// Set default routes
let routes = [
["*", "[/{controller}[/{action}[/{id}[/{param}]]]]", ["controller":"\\w+", "action":"\\w+"]]
for name, option in routes {
if !fetch regex, option[2] {
let regex = [];
let route = this->addRoute(name, option[1], regex, option[0]);
if fetch defaults, option[3] && typeof defaults == "array" {
return this;
* Handles routing information.
* @param string method
* @param string uri
* @return mixed
public function handle(string method = null, string uri = null)
var name, route, params, matches, response;
// Remove trailing slashes from the URI
let uri = uri == "/" ? "/" : rtrim(uri, "/"),
matches = null;
if !this->routes {
// Set default routes
for name, route in this->routes {
let params = route->matches(uri, method);
if !empty params {
let this->route = name,
this->method = method;
if isset params["module"] {
let this->module = params["module"];
} else {
let this->module = this->defaultModule;
if isset params["controller"] {
let this->handler = params["controller"];
} else {
let this->handler = this->defaultHandler;
if isset params["action"] {
let this->action = params["action"];
} else {
let this->action = this->defaultAction;
// These are accessible as public vars and can be overloaded
unset params["controller"];
unset params["action"];
unset params["module"];
// Params cannot be changed once matched
let this->params = params;
return [
"module": this->module,
"handler": this->handler,
"action": this->action,
"params": this->params
} elseif params === false {
// method not allowed
let matches = false;
if this->silent {
// 404 Not Found, 405 Method Not Allowed
let response = Di::$fetch()->get("response"),
matches = matches === null ? 404 : 405;
return response->setStatus(matches)
throw new Exception([
matches === null
? "Unable to find a route to match the URI: %s"
: "Request method not supported by that resource: %s",
* Get route matched by uri and method.
* @param string uri
* @param string method
* @return Route|false|null
public function match(string uri = null, string method = null)
var route, params, matches;
// Remove trailing slashes from the URI
let uri = uri == "/" ? "/" : rtrim(uri, "/"),
matches = null;
for route in this->routes {
let params = route->matches(uri, method);
if !empty params {
return route;
} elseif params === false {
// method not allowed
let matches = false;
return matches;
* Generates a URI based on the parameters given. (AKA. reverse route).
* $uri = $router->uri(["controller" => "blog", "action" => "post", "param" => 10]);
* @param array URI parameters
* @param string method
* @return string|null
public function uri(array! params, string method = "*")
var route, uri;
for route in this->routes {
let uri = route->uri(params);
if uri !== false && route->checkMethod(method) {
return uri;
return null;