ice framework documentation ice doc v1.10.1
Class Ice


namespace Ice;

 * Provide the multi-page pagination component.
 * @package     Ice/Pagination
 * @category    Library
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2023 Ice Team
 * @license
 * @uses        Ice\Tag
class Pagination extends Arr
    protected di { get };
    protected tag { get };

     * Pagination constructor. Fetch di and tag.
     * @param array options
    public function __construct(array options = [])
        var di;


        let di = Di::$fetch(),
            this->di = di,
            this->tag = di->get("tag");

     * Returns a slice of the resultset to show in the pagination.
     * @return object Pagination
    public function calculate() -> 
        var items, data, total;
        int limit, page, pages, previous, next;

        let total = this->get("total");

        if typeof total == "null" {
            // No total number specified, we need to count items in data
            let data  = this->get("data", []);

            // Check if we can paginate the data
            if typeof data == "object" && (data instanceof Arr) {
                // Convert to array
                let items = data->all();
            } elseif typeof data == "array" {
                let items = data;
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Invalid data for pagination");

            let total = count(items);

        let limit  = (int) this->get("limit", 10),
            page = (int) this->get("page", 1),
            pages = (int) ceil(total / intval(limit ? limit : 1));

        // Make sure page is >= 1
        if page <= 0 {
            let page = 1;

        if !this->has("items") && items {
            // Set items on the current page only
            this->set("items", array_slice(items, limit * (page - 1), limit));

        if page < pages {
            let next = page + 1;
        } else {
            let next = pages;

        this->set("next", next);

        if page > 1 {
            let previous = page - 1;
        } else {
            let previous = 1;

            "first": 1,
            "previous": previous,
            "current": page,
            "last": pages,
            "pages": pages,
            "total": total

        return this;

     * Prepare list button.
     * @param mixed page Name or page number
     * @param mixed url URL with pagination
     * @param boolean active If active create link else span
     * @param string symbol HTML symbol to add
     * @return string HTML
    protected function prepareButton(var page, var url = null, boolean active = false, var symbol = null)
        var query, i18n, title, liClass, spanClass, aClass;
        boolean pages = false;

        switch page {
            case "first":
                let symbol = "«";
            case "previous":
                let symbol = "‹";
            case "next":
                let symbol = "›";
            case "last":
                let symbol = "»";
                let symbol = !symbol ? page : symbol,
                    pages = true;

        let liClass = this->get("liClass"),
            spanClass = this->get("spanClass"),
            aClass = this->get("aClass");

        if !active {
            return "
  • " . symbol . "
  • "; } let query = this->di->get("request")->getQuery(), i18n = this->di->get("i18n"); if pages { let title = i18n ? i18n->translate("page: %d", [page]) : null; } else { let title = i18n ? i18n->translate(page) : null, page = this->get(page); } if this->has("query") && !this->get("query") { // Get current URL if uri is false if url === false { let url = this->di->get("url")->rel(false); } // Add /1 to the url let url .= (url ? "/" : "") . page . this->get("hash"); } else { // Don't add ?page=1 for first page if page > 1 { query->set("page", page); } else { query->remove("page"); } } return "" . this->tag->a([url, symbol, title, "query": query->all(), "class": aClass]) . ""; } /** * Prepare minimal pagination. * Previous 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 Next * * @param mixed url URL with pagination * @param array parameters UL attributes to adding * @return string HTML */ public function minimal(var url = null, array parameters = []) { var html; int i; // Prepare list let html = this->tag->tagHtml("ul", parameters, ["class": "pagination"]); // Prepare previous let html .= this->prepareButton("previous", url, this->get("current") > this->get("previous")); // Prepare pages for i in range(1, this->get("pages")) { let html .= this->prepareButton(i, url, i !== this->get("current")); } // Prepare next let html .= this->prepareButton("next", url, this->get("current") < this->get("next")); // Close list let html .= this->tag->endTag("ul"); return html; } /** * Prepare basic pagination. * First Previous 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 Next Last * * @param mixed url URL with pagination * @param array parameters UL attributes to adding * @return string HTML */ public function basic(var url = null, array parameters = []) { var html; int i; // Prepare list let html = this->tag->tagHtml("ul", parameters, ["class": "pagination"]); // Prepare first let html .= this->prepareButton("first", url, this->get("current") != this->get("first")); // Prepare previous let html .= this->prepareButton("previous", url, this->get("current") > this->get("previous")); // Prepare pages for i in range(1, this->get("pages")) { let html .= this->prepareButton(i, url, i !== this->get("current")); } // Prepare next let html .= this->prepareButton("next", url, this->get("current") < this->get("next")); // Prepare last let html .= this->prepareButton("last", url, this->get("current") != this->get("last")); // Close list let html .= this->tag->endTag("ul"); return html; } /** * Prepare floating pagination. * First Previous 1 2 3 ... 23 24 25 26 [27] 28 29 30 31 ... 48 49 50 Next Last * * @param mixed url URL with pagination * @param array parameters UL attributes to adding * @param int countOut Number of page links in the begin and end of whole range * @param int countIn Number of page links on each side of current page * @return string HTML */ public function floating(var url = null, array parameters = [], int countOut = 0, int countIn = 2) { var html, links, page, content; boolean useMiddle, useN3, useN6; var n2, n4, n5, n7, n8; int n1, n3, n6, i; if this->get("pages") < 2 { return; } // Beginning group of pages: n1...n2 let n1 = 1, n2 = min(countOut, this->get("pages")); // Ending group of pages: n7...n8 let n7 = max(1, this->get("pages") - countOut + 1), n8 = this->get("pages"); // Middle group of pages: n4...n5 let n4 = max(n2 + 1, this->get("current") - countIn), n5 = min(n7 - 1, this->get("current") + countIn), useMiddle = (n5 >= n4); // Point n3 between n2 and n4 let n3 = (int) ((n2 + n4) / 2), useN3 = (useMiddle && ((n4 - n2) > 1)); // Point n6 between n5 and n7 let n6 = (int) ((n5 + n7) / 2), useN6 = (useMiddle && ((n7 - n5) > 1)); // Links to display as array(page: content) let links = []; // Generate links data in accordance with calculated numbers for i in range(n1, n2) { let links[i] = i; } if useN3 { let links[n3] = "…"; } for i in range(n4, n5) { let links[i] = i; } if useN6 { let links[n6] = "…"; } for i in range(n7, n8) { let links[i] = i; } // Prepare list let html = this->tag->tagHtml("ul", parameters, ["class": "pagination"]); // Prepare first let html .= this->prepareButton("first", url, this->get("current") != this->get("first")); // Prepare previous let html .= this->prepareButton("previous", url, this->get("current") > this->get("previous")); // Prepare pages for page, content in links { let html .= this->prepareButton(page, url, page !== this->get("current"), content); } // Prepare next let html .= this->prepareButton("next", url, this->get("current") < this->get("next")); // Prepare last let html .= this->prepareButton("last", url, this->get("current") != this->get("last")); // Close list let html .= this->tag->endTag("ul"); return html; } }