namespace Ice;
use Ice\Validation\Validator;
* Allows to validate array data.
* @package Ice/Validation
* @category Security
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
* @uses Ice\Filter (if service is available)
* @uses Ice\I18n (if service is available)
* $validation = new Ice\Validation();
* $validation->rules([
* 'fullName' => 'required',
* 'email' => 'required|email',
* 'repeatEmail' => 'same:email',
* 'about' => 'required|length:10,5000',
* ]);
* $valid = $validation->validate($_POST);
* if (!$valid) {
* $messages = $validation->getMessages();
* }
class Validation
protected di { get };
protected data { get };
protected rules = [] { set, get };
protected validators = [];
protected filters = [] { set };
protected labels = [] { set };
protected messages = [];
protected valid = true;
protected aliases = [] { set };
protected translate = true { set, get };
protected humanLabels = false { set };
protected defaultMessages = [
"alnum": "Field :field must contain only letters and numbers",
"alpha": "Field :field must contain only letters",
"between": "Field :field must be within the range of :min to :max",
"digit": "Field :field must be numeric",
"default": "Field :field is not valid",
"email": "Field :field must be an email address",
"exists": "Field :field must exist",
"fileEmpty": "Field :field must not be empty",
"fileIniSize": "File :field exceeds the maximum file size",
"fileMaxResolution": "File :field must not exceed :max resolution",
"fileMinResolution": "File :field must be at least :min resolution",
"fileSize": "File :field exceeds the size of :max",
"fileType": "File :field must be of type: :types",
"in": "Field :field must be a part of list: :values",
"lengthMax": "Field :field must not exceed :max characters long",
"lengthMin": "Field :field must be at least :min characters long",
"notIn": "Field :field must not be a part of list: :values",
"regex": "Field :field does not match the required format",
"required": "Field :field is required",
"same": "Field :field and :other must match",
"unique": "Field :field must be unique",
"url": "Field :field must be a url",
"with": "Field :field must occur together with :fields",
"without": "Field :field must not occur together with :fields"
* Validation constructor. Fetch Di and set the data if given.
* @param array data Data to validate
public function __construct(array data = [])
let this->di = Di::$fetch(),
this->data = new Arr(data);
* Resolve one rule.
* @param string alias
* @param string field
* @param array options
* @return object Validation
public function resolve(string alias, string field, array options = [])
var rule;
if !fetch rule, this->aliases[alias] {
let rule = "Ice\\Validation\\Validator\\" . camelize(alias);
if !class_exists(rule) {
throw new Exception(sprintf("Validator %s not found", alias));
let this->rules[field][] = create_instance_params(rule, [options]);
return this;
* Add one rule.
* $validation = new Ice\Validation();
* $validation->rule('email', 'required|email');
* $validation->rule('content', [
* 'length' => [
* 'max' => 1000,
* 'messageMin' => 'Too long!',
* 'label' => 'Desctiption'
* ]
* ]);
* @param string field
* @param mixed validators
* @param mixed options
* @return object Validation
public function rule(string field, var validators, var options = null)
var validator, rules, rule, alias, values;
switch typeof validators {
case "object":
let this->rules[field][] = validators;
case "array":
for validator, options in validators {
if typeof validator == "integer" {
let validator = options,
options = [];
this->rule(field, validator, options);
case "string":
if strpos(validators, "|") === false && strpos(validators, ":") === false {
if typeof options == "null" {
let options = [];
this->resolve(validators, field, options);
} else {
let rules = explode("|", validators);
for rule in rules {
let options = explode(":", rule),
alias = array_shift(options);
if alias != "regex" {
if fetch values, options[0] {
let options = explode(",", values);
this->resolve(alias, field, options);
return this;
* Add multiple rules at once.
* $validation = new Ice\Validation();
* $validation->rules([
* 'username' => 'required|length:4,24|notIn:admin,user,root|unique:users',
* 'password' => 'required|length:5,32',
* 'repeatPassword' => 'same:password',
* 'email' => 'email',
* 'status' => 'required|digit|in:0,1,2',
* 'website' => 'url',
* 'title' => 'length:,100',
* 'age' => 'required|between:18,21',
* ]);
* @param array validators
* @param boolean merge
* @return object Validation
public function rules(array! validators, boolean merge = true)
var field, rules;
if !merge {
let this->rules = [];
for field, rules in validators {
this->rule(field, rules);
return this;
* Validate the data.
* @param array data Data to validate
* @param boolean clear Clear messages before
* @return boolean
public function validate(array data = [], boolean clear = true) -> boolean
var tmp, field, rules, rule;
if count(data) {
let tmp = this->data;
let this->data = tmp;
if clear {
let this->valid = true,
this->messages = [];
// Validate the rules
for field, rules in this->rules {
for rule in rules {
if rule->validate(this, field) === false {
let this->valid = false;
// Double check
if count(this->messages) {
let this->valid = false;
return this->valid;
* Check if validation passed.
* @return boolean
public function valid() -> boolean
return this->valid;
* Whether or not a value exists by field.
* @param string field The data key
* @return boolean
public function hasValue(string! field) -> boolean
return this->data->has(field);
* Get a value by field.
* @param string field The data key
* @param boolean filtered Get the filtered value or original
* @return mixed
public function getValue(string! field, boolean filtered = true)
var filters = null;
if filtered {
fetch filters, this->filters[field];
return this->data->getValue(field, filters);
* Get the values by fields.
* Values are automatically filtered out if filters have been setted.
* // Get value for one field
* $validation->getValues('password');
* // Get values for multiple fields
* $validation->getValues(['fullName', 'about']);
* // Get all values
* $validation->getValues();
* @param mixed fields The data keys
* @param boolean filtered Get the filtered value or original
* @return mixed
public function getValues(var fields = null, boolean filtered = true)
var data, field;
let data = [];
if fields === null {
for field, _ in iterator(this->data) {
let data[field] = this->getValue(field, filtered);
} else {
switch typeof fields {
case "array":
for field in fields {
if isset this->data[field] {
let data[field] = this->getValue(field, filtered);
case "string":
let data = this->getValue(fields, filtered);
return data;
* Get the label of a field.
* Humanize a label if humanLabels attribute and filter service is available
* @param string field The data key
* @return string
public function getLabel(string! field) -> string
var label;
if !fetch label, this->labels[field] {
// Humanize the field
if this->humanLabels {
let label = this->di->get("filter")->sanitize(field, "human");
} else {
let label = field;
return label;
* Set the default messages.
* @param array messages
* @return object Validation
public function setDefaultMessages(array messages = [])
let this->defaultMessages = array_merge(this->defaultMessages, messages);
return this;
* Get a default message for the type.
* @param string type Type of message
* @return string
public function getDefaultMessage(string! type) -> string
var message;
if !fetch message, this->defaultMessages[type] {
let message = this->defaultMessages["default"];
return message;
* Add a message to the field.
* @param string field
* @param string message
* @return object Validation
public function addMessage(string! field, string message)
let this->messages[field][] = message;
return this;
* Get the validation's messages.
* @return object Arr
public function getMessages() ->
return new Arr(this->messages);