ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
namespace Ice\Validation\Validator;

use Ice\Validation;
use Ice\Validation\Validator;

 * Alnum validator.
 * @package     Ice/Validation
 * @category    Security
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
 * @license

 *  $validation = new Ice\Validation();
 *  $validation->rules([
 *      'username' => 'alnum',
 *      'prefix' => [
 *          'alnum' => [
 *              'message' => 'Field :field must be alphanumeric'
 *          ]
 *      ]
 *  ]);
 *  $valid = $validation->validate($_POST);
 *  if (!$valid) {
 *      $messages = $validation->getMessages();
 *  }
*/ class Alnum extends Validator { /** * Validate the validator * Options: label, message * * @param Validation validation * @param string field * @return boolean */ public function validate( validation, string! field) -> boolean { var value, label, message, i18n, replace; let value = validation->getValue(field); if value === "" || value === null { return true; } if !ctype_alnum(value) { if this->has("label") { let label = this->get("label"); } else { let label = validation->getLabel(field); } if this->has("message") { let message = this->get("message"); } else { let message = validation->getDefaultMessage("alnum"); } // Translate strings if validation->getTranslate() === true && validation->getDi()->has("i18n") { let i18n = validation->getDi()->get("i18n"), label = i18n->translate(label), message = i18n->translate(message); } let replace = [":field": label]; validation->addMessage(field, strtr(message, replace)); return false; } return true; } }