getDi() : void
getValues() : void
getTitle() : void
getTitleSeparator() : void
getMeta() : void
__construct() : voidTag constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property.
Appends a text to current document title.
Prepends a text to current document title.
Add meta tag to the container.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="text"] tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="password"] tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="hidden"] tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="file"] tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="submit"] tag.
Builds a HTML BUTTON tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="checkbox"] tag.
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="radio"] tag.
Builds generic INPUT tags.
Builds a HTML FORM tag.
endForm() : stringBuilds a FORM close tag.
Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag.
Alias of the `img` method.
Builds HTML IMG tags.
Alias of the `a` method.
Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions.
Builds a LINK[rel="stylesheet"] tag.
Builds a SCRIPT[type="javascript"] tag.
Builds a STYLE tag.
Builds a META tag.
Builds a SELECT tag.
tagHtml(string $name, array $parameters, array $defaultParams, array $skip, string $content, bool $close, bool $eol, bool $single) : stringBuilds a HTML tag.
Builds a HTML close tag.
Renders parameters keeping order in html attributes.
Check if a helper has a default value set using Ice\Tag::setValues or value from _POST.
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers.
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers.
Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Ice\Tag::setValue
Converts texts into URL-friendly titles.
getDocType() : stringGet the document type declaration of content.
zephir_init_properties_Ice_Tag() : void
public function getDi()
public function getValues()
public function setDocType(variable $docType)
public function setTitle(variable $title)
public function getTitle()
public function setTitleSeparator(variable $titleSeparator)
public function getTitleSeparator()
public function setMeta(variable $meta)
public function getMeta()
public function setEscape(variable $escape)
public function __construct()
Tag constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property. -
public function appendTitle(string $title, string $separator)
Appends a text to current document title. -
public function prependTitle(string $title, string $separator)
Prepends a text to current document title. -
public function addMeta(array $parameters)
Add meta tag to the container. -
public function textField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="text"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->textField(['some', 'some_value']); // Sleet {{ text_field(['some', 'some_value', 'id' => 'some1', 'class' => 'field', 'style' => 'width: 100%']) }}
public function passwordField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="password"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->passwordField(['pass', 'class': 'form-control']); // Sleet {{ password_field(['pass', 'placeholder': 'My secret password']) }}
public function hiddenField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="hidden"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->hiddenField(['secret', 'some value']); // Sleet {{ hidden_field(['secret', 'hidden value', 'id': 'my_id']) }}
public function fileField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="file"] tag.// Sleet {{ file_field(['some']) }}
public function submitButton(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="submit"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->submitButton(['some', 'Submit']); // Sleet {{ submit_button(['some', 'value' => 'Submit', 'id' => 'some1', 'class' => 'btn']) }}
public function button(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML BUTTON tag.// Phtml $this->tag->button(['some', 'content']); // Sleet {{ button(['some', '+ ' . 'Submit', 'type' => 'button', 'id' => 'some1']) }}
public function checkField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="checkbox"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->checkField(['agree', 'yes']); // Sleet {{ check_field(['remember', 'on', 'checked': 'checked']) }}
public function radioField(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML INPUT[type="radio"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->radioField(['sex', 'male']); // Sleet {{ radio_field(['sex', 'female', 'checked': 'checked']) }}
public function input(string $type, array $parameters)
Builds generic INPUT tags. -
public function form(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML FORM tag.// Phtml
public function endForm()
Builds a FORM close tag. -
public function textArea(array $parameters)
Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag.// Phtml $this->tag->textArea(['description', 'content']); // Sleet {{ text_area(['some', 'placeholder' => 'Say something']) }}
public function image(array $parameters)
Alias of the `img` method. -
public function img(array $parameters)
Builds HTML IMG tags.// Phtml
$this->tag->img(['img/logo.png', 'Logo']); // Sleet
{{ image(['http://example.com/img/logo.png', 'Logo', 'local' => false]) }}
public function linkTo(array $parameters)
Alias of the `a` method. -
public function link(array $parameters)
Builds a LINK[rel="stylesheet"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->link(['css/app.css']); // Sleet {{ link(['http://example.com/favicon.ico', 'type' => 'image/x-icon', 'rel' => 'icon', 'local' => false]) }}
public function script(array $parameters)
Builds a SCRIPT[type="javascript"] tag.// Phtml $this->tag->script(['js/plugins.js']); // Sleet {{ script(['content' => 'alert("OK");']) }}
public function style(array $parameters)
Builds a STYLE tag.// Sleet {{ style(['body { color: #444 }']) }}
public function meta(array $parameters)
Builds a META tag.// Phtml $this->tag->meta(['ice, framework', 'keywords']); // Sleet {{ meta(['Your description', 'property': 'og:description']) }}
public function select(array $parameters)
Builds a SELECT tag.$countries = [1 => 'England', 2 => 'Poland']; $this->tag->select('country', $countries);
public function tagHtml(string $name, array $parameters, array $defaultParams, array $skip, string $content, bool $close, bool $eol, bool $single)
Builds a HTML tag. -
public function endTag(string $name, bool $eol)
Builds a HTML close tag.// Sleet {{ end_tag('form') }}
public function prepareTag(string $name, array $attributes, array $skip, bool $single)
Renders parameters keeping order in html attributes. -
public function hasValue(string $name)
Check if a helper has a default value set using Ice\Tag::setValues or value from _POST. -
public function setValue(string $id, variable $value)
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers. -
public function setValues(array $values, bool $merge)
Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers. -
public function getValue(string $name)
Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Ice\Tag::setValueor value from _POST. -
public function friendlyTitle(string $text, string $separator, bool $lowercase, variable $replace)
Converts texts into URL-friendly titles.$title = "Mess'd up --text-- just (to) stress /test/ ?our! `little` \\clean\\ url fun.ction!?-->"; // 'messd-up-text-just-to-stress-test-our-little-clean-url-function' $friendly = $this->tag->friendlyTitle($title);
public function getDocType()
Get the document type declaration of content. -
internal function zephir_init_properties_Ice_Tag()