namespace Ice;
* Tag helper is designed to simplify building of HTML tags.
* @package Ice/Tag
* @category Helper
* @author Ice Team
* @copyright (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
* @license
* @uses Ice\Mvc\Url
class Tag
const HTML32 = 1;
const HTML401_STRICT = 2;
const HTML401_FRAMESET = 4;
const HTML5 = 5;
const XHTML10_STRICT = 6;
const XHTML10_FRAMESET = 8;
const XHTML11 = 9;
const XHTML20 = 10;
const XHTML5 = 11;
protected di { get };
protected values { get };
protected docType = 5 { set };
protected title = null { set, get };
protected titleSeparator = " - " { set, get };
protected meta = [] { set, get };
protected escape = true { set };
* Tag constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property.
public function __construct()
let this->di = Di::$fetch();
* Appends a text to current document title.
* @param string title
* @param string separator
* @return object Tag
public function appendTitle(string title, string separator = null)
let this->title = this->title . (separator ? separator : this->titleSeparator) . title;
return this;
* Prepends a text to current document title.
* @param string title
* @param string separator
* @return object Tag
public function prependTitle(string title, string separator = null)
let this->title = title . (separator ? separator : this->titleSeparator) . this->title;
return this;
* Add meta tag to the container.
* @param array parameters
* @return object this
public function addMeta(array parameters) -> object
let this->meta[] = this->meta(parameters);
return this;
* Builds a HTML INPUT[type="text"] tag.
* @param array parameters
* @return string
public function radioField(array parameters) -> string
return this->input("radio", parameters);
* Builds generic INPUT tags.
* @param string type
* @param array parameters
* @return string
public function input(string type, array parameters) -> string
var defaultParams;
let defaultParams = [
"id": 0,
"name": 0,
"value": 1,
"type": type
return this->tagHtml("input", parameters, defaultParams, [], null, false, false, true);
* Builds a HTML FORM tag.
* // Phtml
* @param array parameters
* @return string
public function form(array parameters) -> string
var defaultParams, action, local;
let defaultParams = [
"action": 0,
"method": "post"
if !fetch local, parameters["local"] {
let local = true;
if local {
if !fetch action, parameters["action"] {
fetch action, parameters[defaultParams["action"]];
// Send to current URL if action is false
if action !== false {
let parameters["action"] = this->di->get("url")->rel(action);
return this->tagHtml("form", parameters, defaultParams, ["local"]);
* Builds a FORM close tag.
* @return string
public function endForm() -> string
return this->endTag("form");
* Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag.
* @param array parameters
* @return string
public function img(array parameters) -> string
var defaultParams, src, local;
let defaultParams = [
"src": 0,
"alt": 1
if !fetch local, parameters["local"] {
let local = true;
if local {
if !fetch src, parameters["src"] {
fetch src, parameters[defaultParams["src"]];
let parameters["src"] = this->di->get("url")->href(src);
return this->tagHtml("img", parameters, defaultParams, ["local"], null, false, false, true);
* Alias of the `a` method.
public function linkTo(array parameters) -> string
return this->a(parameters);
* Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions.
* @param array parameters
* @return string
public function select(array parameters)
var defaultParams, name, options, option, selected, tmp, value, text, group, subvalue, subtext, suboptions;
let defaultParams = [
"id": 0,
"name": 0,
"options": 1
if !fetch name, parameters["name"] {
fetch name, parameters[defaultParams["name"]];
if !fetch options, parameters["options"] {
fetch options, parameters[defaultParams["options"]];
let selected = this->hasValue(name) ? this->getValue(name) : null;
if typeof selected == "array" {
// This is a multi-select, god save us!
let parameters["multiple"] = "multiple";
if typeof selected != "array" {
if selected === null {
// Use an empty array
let selected = [];
} else {
// Convert the selected options to an array
let tmp = [(string) selected],
selected = tmp;
if empty options {
// There are no options
let options = "";
} else {
for value, text in options {
if typeof text == "array" {
// Create a new optgroup
let group = ["label": value];
// Create a new list of options
let suboptions = [];
for subvalue, subtext in text {
// Force value to be string
let subvalue = (string) subvalue;
// Create a new attribute set for this option
let option = ["value": subvalue];
if in_array(subvalue, selected) {
// This option is selected
let option["selected"] = "selected";
// Change the option to the HTML string
let option["content"] = subtext,
suboptions[] = this->tagHtml("option", option, [], ["content"], "content", true);
// Compile the options into a string
let group["content"] = PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, suboptions) . PHP_EOL,
options[value] = this->tagHtml("optgroup", group, [], ["content"], "content", true);
} else {
// Force value to be string
let value = (string) value;
// Create a new attribute set for this option
let option = ["value": value];
if in_array(value, selected) {
// This option is selected
let option["selected"] = "selected";
// Change the option to the HTML string
let option["content"] = text,
options[value] = this->tagHtml("option", option, [], ["content"], "content", true);
// Compile the options into a single string
let parameters["content"] = implode(PHP_EOL, options);
return this->tagHtml("select", parameters, defaultParams, ["content", "options", "value"], "content", true, true);
* Builds a HTML tag.
* @param string name Name of tag
* @param array parameters Parameters like id, style
* @param array defaultParams Default parameters
* @param array skip Skip parameters
* @param string content Parameter name to append content
* @param boolean close Close tag
* @param boolean eol Add end of line
* @param boolean single Void element, close a tag by " />" (depending on doctype)
* @return string
public function tagHtml(string name, array! parameters = [], array defaultParams = [], array skip = [], string content = null, boolean close = false, boolean eol = false, boolean single = false) -> string
var params, param, key, value, attributes, code;
let attributes = [],
params = parameters;
for param, key in defaultParams {
if is_numeric(key) {
if fetch value, params[key] {
let attributes[param] = value;
} else {
let attributes[param] = key;
for key in defaultParams {
unset params[key];
let attributes = array_merge(attributes, params),
code = this->prepareTag(name, attributes, skip, single);
if eol {
let code .= PHP_EOL;
if content {
// Check if textarea has a value
if name == "textarea" && isset attributes["name"] && this->hasValue(attributes["name"]) {
let value = this->getValue(attributes["name"]);
} else {
fetch value, attributes[content];
let code .= value;
if close {
let code .= (eol ? PHP_EOL : "") . this->endTag(name, eol);
return code;
* Builds a HTML close tag.
* // Sleet
* {{ end_tag('form') }}
* @param string name
* @param boolean eol
* @return string
public function endTag(string name, boolean eol = true) -> string
return "" . name . ">" . (eol ? PHP_EOL : "");
* Renders parameters keeping order in html attributes.
* @param string name
* @param array attributes
* @param array skip
* @param boolean single
* @return string
public function prepareTag(string! name, array! attributes, array skip = [], boolean single = false) -> string
var order, keys, attrs, code, type, tmp, value, key;
let order = ["rel", "type", "for", "src", "href", "action", "id", "name", "value", "class", "style"],
keys = array_intersect_key(array_flip(order), attributes),
attrs = array_merge(keys, attributes),
code = "<" . name;
if fetch tmp, attrs["name"] {
if this->hasValue(tmp) {
// Set the value from values property or _post
fetch type, attrs["type"];
switch type {
case "radio":
case "checkbox":
// Don't overwrite values for radio/checkbox
if isset attrs["value"] && attrs["value"] == this->getValue(tmp) {
let attrs["checked"] = "checked";
let attrs["value"] = this->getValue(tmp);
for key, value in attrs {
if typeof key == "string" && value !== null && value !== false && !in_array(key, skip) {
if this->escape {
let value = this->di->get("filter")->sanitize(value, "escape");
let code .= " " . key . "=\"" . value. "\"";
if single {
let code .= this->docType > self::HTML5 ? " />" : ">";
} else {
let code .= ">";
return code;
* Check if a helper has a default value set using Ice\Tag::setValues or value from _POST.
* @param string name
* @return boolean
public function hasValue(string name) -> boolean
// Check if there is a post value for the item
if isset _POST[name] {
return true;
} else {
// Check if there is a predefined value for it
if isset this->values[name] {
return true;
return false;
* Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers.
* @param string id
* @param mixed value
* @return object Tag
public function setValue(string! id, value)
if value !== null {
if typeof value == "array" || typeof value == "object" {
throw new Exception("Only scalar values can be assigned to UI components");
let this->values[id] = value;
return this;
* Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers.
* @param array values
* @param boolean merge
* @return object Tag
public function setValues(array values, boolean merge = false)
var current;
if typeof values != "array" {
throw new Exception("An array is required as default values");
if merge {
let current = this->values;
if typeof current == "array" {
let this->values = array_merge(current, values);
} else {
let this->values = values;
} else {
let this->values = values;
return this;
* Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Ice\Tag::setValue
* or value from _POST.
* @param string name
* @return mixed
public function getValue(string name)
var value;
// Check if there is a predefined value for it
if !fetch value, _POST[name] {
// Check if there is a post value for the item
if !fetch value, this->values[name] {
return null;
return value;
* Converts texts into URL-friendly titles.
* @param string text
* @param string separator
* @param boolean lowercase
* @param mixed replace
* @return string
public function friendlyTitle(string text, string separator = "-", boolean lowercase = true, var replace = null) -> string
var friendly, locale, search;
if extension_loaded("iconv") {
// Save the old locale and set the new locale to UTF-8
let locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"),
text = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", text);
if replace {
// Replace some additional chars
if typeof replace != "array" && typeof replace != "string" {
throw new Exception("Parameter replace must be an array or a string");
if typeof replace == "array" {
for search in replace {
let text = str_replace(search, " ", text);
} else {
let text = str_replace(replace, " ", text);
let friendly = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/_|+ -]/", "", text);
if lowercase {
let friendly = strtolower(friendly);
let friendly = preg_replace("/[\\/_|+ -]+/", separator, friendly),
friendly = trim(friendly, separator);
if extension_loaded("iconv") {
// Revert back to the old locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, locale);
return friendly;
* Get the document type declaration of content.
* @return string
public function getDocType() -> string
switch this->docType {
case self::HTML32: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::HTML401_STRICT: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::HTML401_TRANSITIONAL: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::HTML401_FRAMESET: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::HTML5: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML10_STRICT: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML10_FRAMESET: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML11: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML20: return "" . PHP_EOL;
case self::XHTML5: return "" . PHP_EOL;
return "";