ice framework documentation ice doc v1.11.0
Class Ice


namespace Ice;

 * Tag helper is designed to simplify building of HTML tags.
 * @package     Ice/Tag
 * @category    Helper
 * @author      Ice Team
 * @copyright   (c) 2014-2025 Ice Team
 * @license
 * @uses        Ice\Mvc\Url
class Tag
    const HTML32 = 1;
    const HTML401_STRICT = 2;
    const HTML401_TRANSITIONAL = 3;
    const HTML401_FRAMESET = 4;
    const HTML5 = 5;
    const XHTML10_STRICT = 6;
    const XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL = 7;
    const XHTML10_FRAMESET = 8;
    const XHTML11 = 9;
    const XHTML20 = 10;
    const XHTML5 = 11;

    protected di { get };
    protected values { get };
    protected docType = 5 { set };
    protected title = null { set, get };
    protected titleSeparator = " - " { set, get };
    protected meta = [] { set, get };
    protected escape = true { set };

     * Tag constructor. Fetch Di and set it as a property.
    public function __construct()
        let this->di = Di::$fetch();

     * Appends a text to current document title.
     * @param string title
     * @param string separator
     * @return object Tag
    public function appendTitle(string title, string separator = null)
        let this->title = this->title . (separator ? separator : this->titleSeparator) . title;

        return this;

     * Prepends a text to current document title.
     * @param string title
     * @param string separator
     * @return object Tag
    public function prependTitle(string title, string separator = null)
        let this->title = title . (separator ? separator : this->titleSeparator) . this->title;

        return this;

     * Add meta tag to the container.
     * @param array parameters
     * @return object this
    public function addMeta(array parameters) -> object
        let this->meta[] = this->meta(parameters);

        return this;

     * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="text"] tag.

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->textField(['some', 'some_value']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ text_field(['some', 'some_value', 'id' => 'some1', 'class' => 'field', 'style' => 'width: 100%']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function textField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("text", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="password"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->passwordField(['pass', 'class': 'form-control']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ password_field(['pass', 'placeholder': 'My secret password']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function passwordField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("password", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="hidden"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->hiddenField(['secret', 'some value']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ hidden_field(['secret', 'hidden value', 'id': 'my_id']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function hiddenField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("hidden", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="file"] tag. * *

     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ file_field(['some']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function fileField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("file", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="submit"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->submitButton(['some', 'Submit']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ submit_button(['some', 'value' => 'Submit', 'id' => 'some1', 'class' => 'btn']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function submitButton(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("submit", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML BUTTON tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->button(['some', 'content']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ button(['some', '+ ' . 'Submit', 'type' => 'button', 'id' => 'some1']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function button(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams; let defaultParams = [ "id": 0, "name": 0, "content": 1, "type": "submit" ]; return this->tagHtml("button", parameters, defaultParams, ["content"], "content", true); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="checkbox"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->checkField(['agree', 'yes']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ check_field(['remember', 'on', 'checked': 'checked']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function checkField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("checkbox", parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML INPUT[type="radio"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->radioField(['sex', 'male']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ radio_field(['sex', 'female', 'checked': 'checked']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function radioField(array parameters) -> string { return this->input("radio", parameters); } /** * Builds generic INPUT tags. * * @param string type * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function input(string type, array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams; let defaultParams = [ "id": 0, "name": 0, "value": 1, "type": type ]; return this->tagHtml("input", parameters, defaultParams, [], null, false, false, true); } /** * Builds a HTML FORM tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
* $this->tag->form(['post/add']); * * // * $this->tag->form(['', 'local' => false]); * * // Sleet * {{ form([false]) }} * * // * {{ form(['post/add', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'class' => 'form-horizontal']) }} *
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function form(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams, action, local; let defaultParams = [ "action": 0, "method": "post" ]; if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } if local { if !fetch action, parameters["action"] { fetch action, parameters[defaultParams["action"]]; } // Send to current URL if action is false if action !== false { let parameters["action"] = this->di->get("url")->rel(action); } } return this->tagHtml("form", parameters, defaultParams, ["local"]); } /** * Builds a FORM close tag. * * @return string */ public function endForm() -> string { return this->endTag("form"); } /** * Builds a HTML TEXTAREA tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->textArea(['description', 'content']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ text_area(['some', 'placeholder' => 'Say something']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function textArea(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams; let defaultParams = [ "id": 0, "name": 0, "content": 1 ]; return this->tagHtml("textarea", parameters, defaultParams, ["content", "value"], "content", true); } /** * Alias of the `img` method. */ public function image(array parameters) -> string { return this->img(parameters); } /** * Builds HTML IMG tags. * *

     *  // Phtml Logo
     *  $this->tag->img(['img/logo.png', 'Logo']);
     *  // Sleet Logo
     *  {{ image(['', 'Logo', 'local' => false]) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function img(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams, src, local; let defaultParams = [ "src": 0, "alt": 1 ]; if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } if local { if !fetch src, parameters["src"] { fetch src, parameters[defaultParams["src"]]; } let parameters["src"] = this->di->get("url")->href(src); } return this->tagHtml("img", parameters, defaultParams, ["local"], null, false, false, true); } /** * Alias of the `a` method. */ public function linkTo(array parameters) -> string { return this->a(parameters); } /** * Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions. * *

     *  // Phtml Add
     *  $this->tag->a(['post/add', 'Add', 'Add a post']);
     *  // Sleet Google
     *  {{ link_to(['', 'Google', 'local' => false]) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function a(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams, href, local, query; let defaultParams = [ "href": 0, "text": 1, "title": 2 ]; if !fetch href, parameters["href"] { fetch href, parameters[defaultParams["href"]]; } if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } fetch query, parameters["query"]; let parameters["href"] = this->di->get("url")->rel(href, query, local); return this->tagHtml("a", parameters, defaultParams, ["text", "local", "query"], "text", true); } /** * Builds a LINK[rel="stylesheet"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->link(['css/app.css']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ link(['', 'type' => 'image/x-icon', 'rel' => 'icon', 'local' => false]) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function link(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams, href, local; let defaultParams = [ "href": 0, "type": "text/css", "rel": "stylesheet" ]; if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } if local { if !fetch href, parameters["href"] { fetch href, parameters[defaultParams["href"]]; } let parameters["href"] = this->di->get("url")->href(href); } return this->tagHtml("link", parameters, defaultParams, ["local"], null, false, true, true); } /** * Builds a SCRIPT[type="javascript"] tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->script(['js/plugins.js']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ script(['content' => 'alert("OK");']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function script(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams, src, local; let defaultParams = [ "src": 0, "type": "text/javascript" ]; if !fetch local, parameters["local"] { let local = true; } if local { if !fetch src, parameters["src"] { fetch src, parameters[defaultParams["src"]]; } if src { let parameters["src"] = this->di->get("url")->href(src); } } return this->tagHtml("script", parameters, defaultParams, ["local", "content"], "content", true) . PHP_EOL; } /** * Builds a STYLE tag. * *

     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ style(['body { color: #444 }']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function style(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams; let defaultParams = [ "content": 0, "type": "text/css" ]; return this->tagHtml("style", parameters, defaultParams, ["content"], "content", true, true); } /** * Builds a META tag. * *

     *  // Phtml 
     *  $this->tag->meta(['ice, framework', 'keywords']);
     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ meta(['Your description', 'property': 'og:description']) }}
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function meta(array parameters) -> string { var defaultParams; let defaultParams = [ "content": 0, "name": 1 ]; return this->tagHtml("meta", parameters, defaultParams, [], null, false, true, true); } /** * Builds a SELECT tag. * *

     *  $countries = [1 => 'England', 2 => 'Poland'];
     *  $this->tag->select('country', $countries);
* * @param array parameters * @return string */ public function select(array parameters) { var defaultParams, name, options, option, selected, tmp, value, text, group, subvalue, subtext, suboptions; let defaultParams = [ "id": 0, "name": 0, "options": 1 ]; if !fetch name, parameters["name"] { fetch name, parameters[defaultParams["name"]]; } if !fetch options, parameters["options"] { fetch options, parameters[defaultParams["options"]]; } let selected = this->hasValue(name) ? this->getValue(name) : null; if typeof selected == "array" { // This is a multi-select, god save us! let parameters["multiple"] = "multiple"; } if typeof selected != "array" { if selected === null { // Use an empty array let selected = []; } else { // Convert the selected options to an array let tmp = [(string) selected], selected = tmp; } } if empty options { // There are no options let options = ""; } else { for value, text in options { if typeof text == "array" { // Create a new optgroup let group = ["label": value]; // Create a new list of options let suboptions = []; for subvalue, subtext in text { // Force value to be string let subvalue = (string) subvalue; // Create a new attribute set for this option let option = ["value": subvalue]; if in_array(subvalue, selected) { // This option is selected let option["selected"] = "selected"; } // Change the option to the HTML string let option["content"] = subtext, suboptions[] = this->tagHtml("option", option, [], ["content"], "content", true); } // Compile the options into a string let group["content"] = PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, suboptions) . PHP_EOL, options[value] = this->tagHtml("optgroup", group, [], ["content"], "content", true); } else { // Force value to be string let value = (string) value; // Create a new attribute set for this option let option = ["value": value]; if in_array(value, selected) { // This option is selected let option["selected"] = "selected"; } // Change the option to the HTML string let option["content"] = text, options[value] = this->tagHtml("option", option, [], ["content"], "content", true); } } // Compile the options into a single string let parameters["content"] = implode(PHP_EOL, options); } return this->tagHtml("select", parameters, defaultParams, ["content", "options", "value"], "content", true, true); } /** * Builds a HTML tag. * * @param string name Name of tag * @param array parameters Parameters like id, style * @param array defaultParams Default parameters * @param array skip Skip parameters * @param string content Parameter name to append content * @param boolean close Close tag * @param boolean eol Add end of line * @param boolean single Void element, close a tag by " />" (depending on doctype) * @return string */ public function tagHtml(string name, array! parameters = [], array defaultParams = [], array skip = [], string content = null, boolean close = false, boolean eol = false, boolean single = false) -> string { var params, param, key, value, attributes, code; let attributes = [], params = parameters; for param, key in defaultParams { if is_numeric(key) { if fetch value, params[key] { let attributes[param] = value; } } else { let attributes[param] = key; } } for key in defaultParams { unset params[key]; } let attributes = array_merge(attributes, params), code = this->prepareTag(name, attributes, skip, single); if eol { let code .= PHP_EOL; } if content { // Check if textarea has a value if name == "textarea" && isset attributes["name"] && this->hasValue(attributes["name"]) { let value = this->getValue(attributes["name"]); } else { fetch value, attributes[content]; } let code .= value; } if close { let code .= (eol ? PHP_EOL : "") . this->endTag(name, eol); } return code; } /** * Builds a HTML close tag. * *

     *  // Sleet 
     *  {{ end_tag('form') }}
* * @param string name * @param boolean eol * @return string */ public function endTag(string name, boolean eol = true) -> string { return "" . (eol ? PHP_EOL : ""); } /** * Renders parameters keeping order in html attributes. * * @param string name * @param array attributes * @param array skip * @param boolean single * @return string */ public function prepareTag(string! name, array! attributes, array skip = [], boolean single = false) -> string { var order, keys, attrs, code, type, tmp, value, key; let order = ["rel", "type", "for", "src", "href", "action", "id", "name", "value", "class", "style"], keys = array_intersect_key(array_flip(order), attributes), attrs = array_merge(keys, attributes), code = "<" . name; if fetch tmp, attrs["name"] { if this->hasValue(tmp) { // Set the value from values property or _post fetch type, attrs["type"]; switch type { case "radio": case "checkbox": // Don't overwrite values for radio/checkbox if isset attrs["value"] && attrs["value"] == this->getValue(tmp) { let attrs["checked"] = "checked"; } break; default: let attrs["value"] = this->getValue(tmp); break; } } } for key, value in attrs { if typeof key == "string" && value !== null && value !== false && !in_array(key, skip) { if this->escape { let value = this->di->get("filter")->sanitize(value, "escape"); } let code .= " " . key . "=\"" . value. "\""; } } if single { let code .= this->docType > self::HTML5 ? " />" : ">"; } else { let code .= ">"; } return code; } /** * Check if a helper has a default value set using Ice\Tag::setValues or value from _POST. * * @param string name * @return boolean */ public function hasValue(string name) -> boolean { // Check if there is a post value for the item if isset _POST[name] { return true; } else { // Check if there is a predefined value for it if isset this->values[name] { return true; } } return false; } /** * Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers. * * @param string id * @param mixed value * @return object Tag */ public function setValue(string! id, value) { if value !== null { if typeof value == "array" || typeof value == "object" { throw new Exception("Only scalar values can be assigned to UI components"); } } let this->values[id] = value; return this; } /** * Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers. * * @param array values * @param boolean merge * @return object Tag */ public function setValues(array values, boolean merge = false) { var current; if typeof values != "array" { throw new Exception("An array is required as default values"); } if merge { let current = this->values; if typeof current == "array" { let this->values = array_merge(current, values); } else { let this->values = values; } } else { let this->values = values; } return this; } /** * Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Ice\Tag::setValue * or value from _POST. * * @param string name * @return mixed */ public function getValue(string name) { var value; // Check if there is a predefined value for it if !fetch value, _POST[name] { // Check if there is a post value for the item if !fetch value, this->values[name] { return null; } } return value; } /** * Converts texts into URL-friendly titles. * *

     *  $title = "Mess'd up --text-- just (to) stress /test/ ?our! `little` \\clean\\ url fun.ction!?-->";
     *  // 'messd-up-text-just-to-stress-test-our-little-clean-url-function'
     *  $friendly = $this->tag->friendlyTitle($title);
* * @param string text * @param string separator * @param boolean lowercase * @param mixed replace * @return string */ public function friendlyTitle(string text, string separator = "-", boolean lowercase = true, var replace = null) -> string { var friendly, locale, search; if extension_loaded("iconv") { // Save the old locale and set the new locale to UTF-8 let locale = setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"), text = iconv("UTF-8", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", text); } if replace { // Replace some additional chars if typeof replace != "array" && typeof replace != "string" { throw new Exception("Parameter replace must be an array or a string"); } if typeof replace == "array" { for search in replace { let text = str_replace(search, " ", text); } } else { let text = str_replace(replace, " ", text); } } let friendly = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/_|+ -]/", "", text); if lowercase { let friendly = strtolower(friendly); } let friendly = preg_replace("/[\\/_|+ -]+/", separator, friendly), friendly = trim(friendly, separator); if extension_loaded("iconv") { // Revert back to the old locale setlocale(LC_ALL, locale); } return friendly; } /** * Get the document type declaration of content. * * @return string */ public function getDocType() -> string { switch this->docType { case self::HTML32: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::HTML401_STRICT: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::HTML401_TRANSITIONAL: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::HTML401_FRAMESET: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::HTML5: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML10_STRICT: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML10_FRAMESET: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML11: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML20: return "" . PHP_EOL; case self::XHTML5: return "" . PHP_EOL; } return ""; } }